Page 1 of Proline dvdp620w

Hack Help Forum

Proline dvdp620w

tom sharp (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 30th June 2004, 19:52

just bought a cheap portable proline dvdp620w player, hoping that some one has a multi region hack for it, cheers Tom. :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 30th June 2004, 20:53

RE: Proline dvdp620w

tom sharp (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 6th July 2004, 19:39

For your info, I have found it. It is the same hack as the Venturer Portable DVD player from Woolworths:
Turn on player from player
Open tray
Using the remote control key in the following : 8,1,3,2,8
Press enter to cycle through Regions 1to 6 *9* is region free
Press the stop button on the remote to close command
I set mine to region 9 and it plays region 2 and 1 fine.
I hope this helps

RE: Proline dvdp620w

willtap1945 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th December 2004, 21:23

I have been trying for months to deregionalise my Proline dvdp620w, with no success,
until I came on your article, with a proposed hack for the above model, and to my delight
it actually works a treat.
Thanks very much for resolving a problem I thought I was going to have
to live with.

RE: Proline dvdp620w

Devonw (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 18:27


I bought the Proline DVDP620W from Comet yesterday, 27.12.04, for £139.99, I also tried the hack, worked sweet!!!!!

Good Job!!!!



RE: Proline dvdp620w

Rob.Thornton (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd February 2006, 21:52

Hi Tom,
I see you got the information you were after. Someone has bought me the same model but it has no instructions or details with it. Can you e-mail me the manufacturers contact address from yours so I can contact to get instruction book. Also I have no remote with mine, is that a standard accessory?
Thank You,

RE: Proline dvdp620w

alienboy08 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th November 2008, 13:52

Worked a treat, bought it second hand minus a remote to my amazment it worked with a random old venturer remote too :-) next problem is finding an AV lead for it if anyone has the manufacturers email address or any contact details for them ? Or does anyone know where to buy a replacment AV lead iv never seen an AV socket like the one this model has.

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