Page 1 of Philips DVD 711 Macrovision and zone hacks for Zone 4 - Australia

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Philips DVD 711 Macrovision and zone hacks for Zone 4 - Australia

Johnny k (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th March 2001, 00:52

Hi All,

I`ve recently purchase a philips 711 and would like to know how to disable the macrovision and also make it all zone compatable. The DVD player is a Zone 4 - Australian model.

Can anyone please help with this.

Thank - you


RE: Philips DVD 711 Macrovision and zone hacks for Zone 4 - Australia

FM (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th March 2001, 09:47

Did you read "Multi-Region Hacks" on the left?

RE: Philips DVD 711 Macrovision and zone hacks for Zone 4 - Australia

Johnny k (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th March 2001, 11:34

Yes I did read multi region Hacks on the left. However I was unsure whether this would work as a macrovision disabling hack? Also since most of the correspondence on these pages is in regard to multizoning zone 1&2 players, are the hacks equally applicable to multizoning a Zone 4 DVD player?

RE: Philips DVD 711 Macrovision and zone hacks for Zone 4 - Australia

tw55515 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th March 2001, 11:49

You should read the hardware review article about the philips DVD 711. The person that wrote the article said that by setting his dvd player to multi-region, he also disabled macrovision. However it hasn`t been verified by anyone else! If you would trie it, please let me know if it worked. I too, have a philips dvd711 player and I too am looking to disable macrovision. But I couldn`t do any remote hack yet, since I don`t have the proper remote control unit. At the moment I`m building a circuit to disable macrovision, but it still needs some corrections. I`m also trying to find a way to use a HP48GX calculator as a remote control to do the remote-hacks, I`m sure there`s a way to do it.

RE: Philips DVD 711 Macrovision and zone hacks for Zone 4 - Australia

FM (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th March 2001, 08:55

Genral opinion is that hack does not remove macrovision. Some VCRs are not affected by macrovision-1 that is why macrovision-2 was built.

RE: Philips DVD 711 Macrovision and zone hacks for Zone 4 - Australia

bunswin (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th March 2001, 04:00

Hi Johnny,

So did you manage to do the remote hack to the Philips711 player? How much did you buy the player for anyway? I saw it selling at AU$499 with 5 free DVDs and was wondering if that was a good deal. Thanks

RE: Philips DVD 711 Macrovision and zone hacks for Zone 4 - Australia

Johnny k (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th March 2001, 03:25


It was given to us as a wedding present ( I believe the people paid about $540 for it and came with 5 DVD rentals from Video Ezi). It sounds like $499 is apretty good deal. Go to The Good Guys, pay cash and you will probably get it for less.



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