Page 1 of Venturer portable dvd player

Hack Help Forum

Venturer portable dvd player

catharinee (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th April 2004, 19:19

Does anyone know of a hack for the venturer portable dvd player PVS 17200?
Bought it today from Woolies and it won`t accept my american dvds.
Thanks to anyone that`ll solve this.

RE: Venturer portable dvd player

cocker92 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 12th May 2004, 18:35

hi all, im also looking at this one, have you got it sorted yet, to play all regions?

i did read the following

open tray
press 81328 on remote
press enter until you get to 9 9all regions)
close tray

have you tried it, please let me know


RE: Venturer portable dvd player

billy99 (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 16th May 2004, 22:51

:) Yes this does work .
I tried it on a venturer also purchased from woolies.
Then played a couple of region 1 dvd`s purchased in the states.
They played both perfectly.
Hope this helps.

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