Hack Help Forum


skippy_dvd (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 19th December 2003, 20:42

Please find below the multi region code for the ALBA DVD129.

This hack is the same as the code for the CROWN cdv1100B

Follow the procedures to change region code for Mediatek Single Chip

a) Press SETUP button on the remote control to display the setup

b) Press "1369<<<>" on the remote control ( "<" = left navigation
button; ">" = right navigation button)

c) A new item "VERSION" is added on the menu

d) Select thr VERSION item and press SELECT button to enter

e) Press the right navigation button ">" on the remote control to
change the region code

f) Press SETUP button again to exit the region code change mode

Note: Region code 0 is "all region code".

e) Power down via standbye and switch off by mains

g) switch back ON and watch all ....

This dvd is currently sold to me for £47 bucks .....could have got a cheaper one but all sold out will do for whats its intended .

****************************************************************************************************************************DVD129************************************DVD129******************************************************************************************************************************* 8)


skippy_dvd (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 3rd January 2004, 22:03

Well after making this a region free player ,i must admit i wish i never set me eyes on it .
It was intended as a gift and gift or not it went back to the shop, due to the quality .
It looks sleak and silver ,but the disc tray i can see been broke easily (its so thin its unreal --not recommended for childrens rooms ).

The next downside is that after making it region free ,it only played DVD,MP3 any thing esle i threw in just would not work :- VCD 1.1 -VCD2.0, JPEGS, AVI FILES, SVCD.

I mean come on whats the point, i been using vcd since 1994 via the phillips cdi range .

Any way after all that i took it back and bought a aiwa xd-ax36 for a £1 more @ comet , and i tell you what it plays the dogs b0[0<ks (except not made it region free yet).Not to worry at least i had the energy to remove that alba form my dwellings.

ADVICE:- A WHEELY BIN FILLER , first its the box and packing next it will be the player .

****************ALBA THE DUSTMANS FAVOURITE*****************


Marble122 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 23:10


Please find below alternative multi region hack for the ALBA DVD129. This turned out to be simpler than I thought it would be.

a) Press SETUP button on the remote control to display the setup

b) Press "1369" on the remote control

c) Region information is displayed on screen

d) Use the Up/Down the right navigation buttons on the remote control to
change the region code

Note: Region code 0 is "all region code".

e) Press SETUP button again to exit the region code change mode

f) Power down via standbye and switch off by mains

g) switch back ON and watch all ....

Thanks to Skippy for writing most of this! I couldn`t have done it without you!

P.S. To all ALBA DVD129 owners. Seriously folks, watch out for that disk drawer. Even a can of Pepsi will snap it off, so be careful out there!

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