Page 1 of Please help with hack for bush dvd145tv / orionc14dvd03sltx

Hack Help Forum

Please help with hack for bush dvd145tv / orionc14dvd03sltx

samjane (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th December 2003, 19:50

Can anyone help me with a multi-region hack for a bush dvd145tv or an orion c14dvd03sltx

Please help most of my dvds are R1


RE: Please help with hack for bush dvd145tv / orionc14dvd03sltx

sharona1974 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd September 2005, 08:33



Press DVD/TV Button
Press DVD Button
Open Tray
Press Setup
Using Navigation keys press in order right, left, down, up
Then press Display
Press 0 then enter and you should be all set!


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