Page 1 of problem with medion 9750 dvd player and sony 21 inch trinitron (also know as jvb from richer sounds

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problem with medion 9750 dvd player and sony 21 inch trinitron (also know as jvb from richer sounds

t.mccoy (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th February 2001, 22:33

this dvd player has no rgb out
it also has a problem with sony trinitron tvs picture either flashes or has no green in it any ideas ?

RE: problem with medion 9750 dvd player and sony 21 inch trinitron (also know as jvb from richer sou

samantha (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 01:30


The only problem i had(i have a ferguson 28 inch dolby surround)
was it juddered on region 1 discs (ie if a car was going down the road it would stop then move then stop then start), but i fixed that by setting it,
to auto instead of pal.
email me and i will try to help as best i can


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