Page 1 of HELP phillips 728 hack needed

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HELP phillips 728 hack needed

lisa.h (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th October 2003, 17:33

hi would be gratefull for any help , just got a phillips 728 from powerhouse and it seems to be the only phillpis player without a multi region hack . tried the 750 and 707 hacks neither of which seem to work , the manual says it is for 728 and729 players but the only listed hack is for a 729k, the machine will play some copies but not others . these hacks ask you to press the setup button on remote , there isn`t one on this remote so kind of stuck as to what to try next :/ :/

thanxin advance for any help offered wiltry anything!

This item was edited on Friday, 17th October 2003, 18:33

RE: HELP phillips 728 hack needed

lisa.h (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th October 2003, 19:53

found a hack on an obscure link aftermuch searching and hey presto it works .
press open close on set
then press 9 9 9 9 0 at 1 second intervals
then close the drawer and that is all there is to it .
this player now plays anything we throw at it . pre hack it would not play some copies even though it is a player that supposedly plays everything from cds to dvdrws . nice slimm player that at £119 isn`t the cheapest around but neither does it look it would recommend if you are looking

This item was edited on Friday, 17th October 2003, 20:54

RE: HELP phillips 728 hack needed

Elliebellie (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 1st November 2003, 11:58


It sounds as if you have the samone ¦ do.I;ve put the code in and its now on all regions, but I cna;t get it to play svcd, but vcd not a problem I wonder if you have any suggestions.


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