Page 1 of Goodmans 124 mystery

Hack Help Forum

Goodmans 124 mystery

carindy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2001, 01:34

Does this player actually exist in the `Real World?`

I have since found out it came from Argos and have seen it in the catalogue, but have not found ANYTHING on the web or in a magazine relating to it.

It is a nice looking machine, nice price, nice quality. But having found no cracks for region free I am thinking about changing it but it is handy as it is a Mp3 player also.

Surely there must be someone out there who can help, I will even give you a can of Beer or a cup of tea if you want to come round and have a go on the one and only model that seems to be in existence!!

Please, please help I do not really want to change it as it was a very generous birthday present.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 31st January 2001, 09:25

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