Page 1 of Samsung DVD-511.. how temporary is temporary ???

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Samsung DVD-511.. how temporary is temporary ???

coxc (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2001, 00:02

Apologies if this question has been asked (several times) before, but when the region hack for the Samsung 511 is described as `temporary` just how temporary is it.

Does the hack code need to be re-entered everytime the a disk from a different region is played, or is the hack lost when the player is switched off.

Thanks to anyone who can answer this simple question.

RE: Samsung DVD-511.. how temporary is temporary ???

FM (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2001, 09:50

This hack works until player is switched off.

RE: Samsung DVD-511.. how temporary is temporary ???

Wolfman II (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2001, 11:51

Depends on which hack you mean

The AIWA Remote hack is temporary, i.e. as said above when you turn the player off, it loses the hack

The SAMSUNG Remote hack is permentant, so once set you do not need to touch it again. (unless you really want to)

Details of both hacks can be found on this site.

RE: Samsung DVD-511.. how temporary is temporary ???

stewart2k (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2001, 19:53

right coxc forget the temp hack use this one for perma region 9 (which means no region settings)

Swtich on dvd player minus disc
when frontpage loaded press repeat on the remote
then press 3,8,7,6,7
then 02 will appear at top of the screen then press 9 to make it region 9
then press open tray then standby.

and ta da you samsung is now multi region.
so far this hack works on one of the other samsung models and a few others

RE: Samsung DVD-511.. how temporary is temporary ???

duder (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th January 2001, 08:10

Yip that hack worked permanently on my Samsung aswell. Had no problems with any discs (yet!)

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