Page 1 of Samsung DVD-E234 - Can it be hacked

Hack Help Forum

Samsung DVD-E234 - Can it be hacked

johnnyrotten (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th July 2003, 22:02

Tescos are selling the Samsung DVD-E234 for just £69 - Does anyone know if it can be hacked - if so how and is it any good?

RE: Samsung DVD-E234 - Can it be hacked

John Howells (Competent) posted this on Monday, 14th July 2003, 11:59

According to the Currys web site the E235 can (yes, Currys now include Multi-Region hack information on their web site for those models that can be hacked), using the "standard" hack for the 511 and E224 (see elsewhere on this web site in the "Multi-Region Hacks" section of the "Info"). SInce the E235 (from Currys) and E234 (from Comet) appear to be the same under the skin (as were the E224 from Comet and E225 from Currys), there appears no reason why the E235 should not be similarly hackable.

As for being any good - I was very happy with my 709 and 511, and the only problem with the 224 was that on some disks it had problems with a few chapter boundaries. The most obvious place was on CD`s, where a "concert" CD (i.e. with no break between tracks) would have a three second break inserted, so that some of the CD was actually lost. On DVD`s a few chapter boundaries would have a slight break on the sound, and a brief repeat of the picture, though the latter was sometimes invisible if the picture was relatively static. The first Thunderbirds disk, My Fair Lady, and the first Harry Potter film all come to mind as having this problem, all being the R2 UK releases. A pity really, as otherwise it was a fine player. I have a letter from Samsung where they more or less admit that this problem exists on all E224/E225 players, and was not particular to mine,, and that no update was likely to fix it. It went back.

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