Page 1 of Umax Yamada 2100 Disabling Macrovision??

Hack Help Forum

Umax Yamada 2100 Disabling Macrovision??

Tremor (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 00:22

Hi, I am tearing my hair trying to find a way of disabling the Macrovision on the Umax Yamada 2100, I have searched for 5 hours today on absolutely every site that Google brought up. Is there a problem because the player is new and kinda obscure, or is there just no way of removing Macro on them? I will pay the first person who helps 378 Mars Bars!!

RE: Umax Yamada 2100 Disabling Macrovision??

Tremor (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 10:18

...alternatively does anyone know how to get into the "engineers" menu?

RE: Umax Yamada 2100 Disabling Macrovision??

Demonshead (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 18:24

Hi m8,
Saw a German Macro Hack for a UMAX on the other day.
Don`t know if that`ll be any help?
I don`t speak German so I didn`t have the foggiest maybe you could mail the poster & see if he can translate into English.
LMK how you get on as I really wanna buy one of the players but NEED the Macro off.


RE: Umax Yamada 2100 Disabling Macrovision??

simon w ford (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 9th February 2003, 11:18

Is there any way to make this player multiregion? I too have been searching for ages and have so far come up with zip!

any help much appreciated


RE: Umax Yamada 2100 Disabling Macrovision??

taxan550 (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 23rd March 2003, 19:56

this player comes region free as standard

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