Page 1 of Mico Diamante 3000

Hack Help Forum

Mico Diamante 3000

steve_bucko (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 17:34

This is a great little player multi-region out of the box but still has macrovision and cannot play VCD which the website says it does, can anyone help, Sainsbury`s policy is 28 day return and will have to change it if not.

RE: Mico Diamante 3000

pele (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 18:35

Steve,by visiting this website you can find a hidden menu,which may be of help to you.........................

RE: Mico Diamante 3000

steve_bucko (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 22:08

Thank pele for the info, but no info there regarding the VCD update cd, is this all a wind up, if I hear anything will shout to all, please please do the same. And a happy new year.

RE: Mico Diamante 3000

NicktheNorse (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th January 2003, 01:23

contact the service center and ask for an upgrade cd - they do exist - i have one.

RE: Mico Diamante 3000

steve_bucko (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th January 2003, 10:50

Good news, does it then play VCD and SVCD and remain multi-region, if so a blinding little player.
Waiting for my disc now, how come you got yours??

RE: Mico Diamante 3000

John R dub (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th January 2003, 16:09

To Steve-Bucko
Did you get sorted re VCD and SVCD on the Mico Diamante 3000?

To anyone- any simple hack re Macrovision?
Alternatively- has anyone tried the copy stabilizers from Lektropacks or Maplins? Do they work well?

This item was edited on Friday, 17th January 2003, 16:10

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