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MICO Diamante 3000

bulet (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 14:18

I have recently bought a Mico diamante 3000 from Sainsburys for £69. It was advertised to play all sorts including VCDs. When tested the quality of DVD was sound but more importantly for myself it does not seem to support VCD. I got Disc error as message. Does anyone know whether the Mico supports VCDs or is there a hack to enable it to play VCD?

RE: MICO Diamante 3000

llamedos (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 15:12

I`ve just bought one as well, vcd and svcd disks dont work in mine either although I don`t get any error message, it just spits the disc out. Phoned the authorized service agents in wales and they said that they had had lots of calls about it not playing vcd and had emailed mico but not yet had a reply.
Mico web site says it is vcd compatable,

The 2nd link is very long but takes you to a page showing key specifications. I know it doesn`t help you much but I think I`m going to take mine back using this info to get my money back.

RE: MICO Diamante 3000

dvduser2 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 16:05

I have the same problem does not play VCD`s. It was advertised by Sava Centre with red ribbon spec for VCD. I am taking this back as I need to play VCD`s. Its a shame its a good machine.

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