Page 1 of Hitachi DV-P305E Hacking - latest info?

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Hitachi DV-P305E Hacking - latest info?

joe pineapples (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 20:33


I am about to buy one of these, but i def. need it to be multi-region.

1. has anyone else recently bought one (U.K model)?
2. have you managed to make it PERMANTLY region-free?
3. what remote etc, did you use?

any feedback appreciated


RE: Hitachi DV-P305E Hacking - latest info?

FM (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 10:21

Read threads below and you will find it...

RE: Hitachi DV-P305E Hacking - latest info?

BigYin (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 15:11

It`s the same as the one for the Samsung 709, but it doesn`t work on all versions of this player.

Make sure the player is switched on, and is at the Hitachi logo
screen. Also check the tray is shut and that there`s no disc in the player.

Now press the REPEAT button on the remote, followed by a five digit code. This code is different depending on what region your player is *currently* set to:

R1 - 29334
R2 - 38767
R3 - 56732
R4 - 76884
R5 - 53814
R6 - 24462

So for example if you have an R2 player, press REPEAT-3-8-7-6-7.

If you`ve done this correctly (and your player is compatible with the hack), you should see a number at the top left corner of the screen corresponding to the current region.

Now, pressing any number from 1 to 6 will change to the corresponding region. Or, press 9 for "auto-region" mode.

Next, press OPEN/CLOSE to open the tray, followed by Standby (or DVD POWER) on the remote to close it and put the player into Standby mode. The next time you turn your player on, the new region will be set.

Don`t forget that if you want to hack it again, you`ll need to use a different code, as listed above. If it`s currently set to "region 9", use the code for the last *proper* region you set it to.

RE: Hitachi DV-P305E Hacking - latest info?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 16:43

Not that it matters, but I should point out that "BigYin"`s post above was originally written by me - it`s been cut and pasted from somewhere else :-)

RE: Hitachi DV-P305E Hacking - latest info?

Tom T. (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 19:18

Cool, but is this only a temporary hack, or will it go on working? DVD Reviewer say it can only be switched 20 times before it locks, although their hack is different. Plus, can you tell me, is the player any good?

RE: Hitachi DV-P305E Hacking - latest info?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 20:53

The hack (if it works - see other threads), will carry on working - there`s no limit to the number of times it can be performed.

It is a very good player for the money, no question. It`s exactly the same player as the Samsung 511 (except for the outer casing), so bear that in mind when comparing prices.

RE: Hitachi DV-P305E Hacking - latest info?

joe pineapples (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 21:48

Thanks for the info guys.

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