Page 1 of Panasonic dvd xv10

Hack Help Forum

Panasonic dvd xv10

christo45 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th October 2002, 10:45

I noticed that there wasnt 1 panasonic anywhere to be seen in the multi region hacks,does this mean that they cant be hacked now i just bought one??? its the new slim line one.will it need a mod chip or will it work with remote?
if any one can help email noimac_sirhc[at]moc.liamtoh

RE: Panasonic dvd xv10

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th October 2002, 19:17

I have seen multi-region ones for sale, so I would assume that it can be done buy a chipper.
I don`t think it will an easy remote hack being panasonic.

RE: Panasonic dvd xv10

christo45 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th October 2002, 12:18

right im christo and yes i bought one without the multiregion ,now tectronic wants £94 for the upgrade i can/or having my machine done including the parts for £55 and that will record to vcr afterwards if your interested i can put u onto this guy and he will do it if u take it to him.or u pay for postage both ways.let me email is noimac_sirhc[at]i.moc.liamtoh work away so u might not get a reply straight away.let me know what part of the c***ry u are at also.he might just live dont the road from u:)

RE: Panasonic dvd xv10

Fu Que (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th October 2002, 12:46

or u can rent an upgrade remote for £40 but this wont disable macrovision though

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