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Hack Help Forum

vcd for schneider 511

eattheliving (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 17:34

can anyone help me. I was messing around with the in-laws 511 and stumbled apon a hidden menu to enable vcd playback. i selected no 1 to ebable but then pressed exit on the remote by doing this i don`t think i set the machine and now i can`t remenber how i got to this menu anyone else found this.

RE: vcd for schneider 511

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 17:57

were u just pressing loads of buttons, or... have u read the hack on the web somewhere and cant find the page?

RE: vcd for schneider 511

eattheliving (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 18:15

hi dan just pressing loads of buttons unfortunatly

RE: vcd for schneider 511

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 18:19

bugger, if only u could remember

RE: vcd for schneider 511

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 18:21

was it on the region change page?

RE: vcd for schneider 511

eattheliving (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 18:48

no i was trying to get it to play a vcd, i think i had the players menu up on screen then pressed 1 then index and something else after that. thats when the menu popped up. but i can`t remember what the something was

RE: vcd for schneider 511

eattheliving (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 18:49

i`ll have another go tommorow. got to sign off now i`m off to get rather drunk.check in with ya tommorow

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