Page 1 of How do I disable macrovision on a matsui dvd 120?

Hack Help Forum

How do I disable macrovision on a matsui dvd 120?

smendrick (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 11:47

I want to be able to disable macrovision so I can copy my dvd collection for mate. how can I do it? Is it cheap to do?

RE: How do I disable macrovision on a matsui dvd 120?

adam1 (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th October 2001, 21:22

You need a computer first off with a video Capture card.

You have to plug your video into the video in on your capture card and the sound in on your sound card, using the red,white and yellow jacks on the back of the dvd player.

Then you connect your video recorder to a tv set. Plug the video and sound out on your computer to the video and sound in on your video,
Once this is done you active the capture software with your capture card and just let it run through so you can see the picture on your computer which will be a little slower than what it looks like on the tv.

You might have to turn your tv up and mess with the leads on your connection so you get the sound coming out of the tv. I had to unplug my speakers on my computer so that the tv is where the computers sound comes out from.

How this works is,this way it keeps the private device on the computer and gives you a clear signal. If you tape it in short play since its a vdvd its taken from its better than a normal vhs bought in the shops.

Its hard to explain but I hope you can make sense of this, I could demstrate it better but this works for copying videos of good quailty too you just need a video player and recorder.

If you have any questions e-mail me on : 02rotcerideht[at]moc.liamtoh I hope you manage this and if you know the vcd hack fro this model let me know.

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