Page 1 of Need Wharfdale DVD 750 hack

Hack Help Forum

Need Wharfdale DVD 750 hack

Kirk (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th June 2000, 18:53

I just bought a new wharfdale DVD 750 player from Tesco (15/06/00) and I believe the old region have (0,1,2,3) no longer works. Can anyone help me with the new hack.


RE: Need Wharfdale DVD 750 hack

Sue S (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th June 2000, 21:34

I`ve got a Wharfedale too ...... after reading the article about DVD in the Guardian today, I went to, as the article recommended, and I got the 0,1,2,3 hack there, and yes it does work, the Wharfedale now plays R1s (well, it played the one I tested it with, I haven`t tried any others yet!)

RE: Need Wharfdale DVD 750 hack

Mark Fountain (Super Admin) posted this on Thursday, 15th June 2000, 22:56

There has never been an issue with this hack. One of the paper magazines printed it thinking it was true and now we have heard nothing but `the Wharf is now not multiregion` since they did it!

DVD Reviewer

RE: Need Wharfdale DVD 750 hack

Kirk (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 17th June 2000, 23:33


Thanks for your response. Does it now mean that my new Wharf 750 cannot be hacked using the 0,1,2,3 hack?


RE: Need Wharfdale DVD 750 hack

Mark Fountain (Super Admin) posted this on Sunday, 18th June 2000, 00:52

No - as I say it was an incorrect rumour. All Wharfs can be hacked with the instructions on our hack pages.

RE: Need Wharfdale DVD 750 hack

RICHARD DIXON (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th June 2000, 01:47

I`ve bought this model to-day and I`ve tried the hack code. Although the sound of a Region 1 disc is heard, my picture flickers and I can make out a small box with "PAL" in it in the top left hand corner. The picture is not stable at all whereas the Region 2 discs are. Any ideas please?

RE: Need Wharfdale DVD 750 hack

Mark Fountain (Super Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 20th June 2000, 07:44

Sounds like your TV cannot take an NTSC signal correctly. Is it a multi standard TV?

You may wish to check you have used the correct Scart on the TV. Usually one is Composite/RGB and one is Composite/SVideo. Also try checking the output from the SVideo socket on that player to the TV.

Certyainly sounds like TV problems rather than the player. Also try on other TVs.

Also try adjusting the `TV System` button on the remote, but be warned you can only use this function in TOTAL stop mode i.e. the DVD logo is displayed.

RE: Need Wharfdale DVD 750 hack

RICHARD DIXON (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st June 2000, 20:03

Thanks Mark...indeed I think it`s a TV problem. My Philips plays Region 2 discs OK but as the set is 15 years old the Region 1 discs are not handled well. (Indeed the Philips hasn`t got a scart socket so I`ve scarted the DVD into the back of my video and this in turn feeds the TV via an ordinary co-ax`s a wonder that I get a picture at all.) However it is my intention to get another TV with scarts sockets and one that can take an NTSC signal. Thanks again for your helpful response.

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