Page 1 of Frustrating times
Gremlins Forum
I think i may terminate Dog breath. Since creating him on Sunday i have only had 1 or 2 challenges accepted. Something needs to be done about new gremlins who do not fight. Is there any way that a new gremlin can be killed off if it`s inactive for 3 days straight. It really hampers me getting any decent points as i am having to fight stronger gremlins and i am only getting 3 points from them. I want to buy extra days but can`t coz i can`t afford it even though its really cheap!!!
Whats going to happen?
Well I`m in the same boat. I don`t rely on the green bars (as they take time to drop away), I click on the gremlin and check the date of the last fights. And yes, I do end up challenging some much higher up the league, but I just hope that they will accept challenges in the future from me when THEY have a lowly gremlin and I`m higher up the league - a bit of Gremlin karma.
Actually, one way to resolve this without much development time (which I can understand RJS not wanting to invest at the moment) would be to lose the lapsing of challenges after 3 days - you need to either accept or refuse. Then players who don`t return and fight would simply get bunged up to the 7 max, and after that no one would waste another challenge on them.
This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st March 2006, 13:03
4 fights for you each ;)