Page 1 of Apologies to Wezbo and his bogey pants...

Gremlins Forum

Apologies to Wezbo and his bogey pants...

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th March 2006, 18:31

...there I am, ranting about using Hit Harder only for grem`s much larger than you, only to choose Hit Harder to kick two bits of snot out of your grem... Sorry. I went and clicked the wrong button again...

Must concerntrate harder!


RE: Apologies to Wezbo and his bogey pants...

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th March 2006, 14:34

no worries just thought you might appreciate the challenge!!!!!

RE: Apologies to Wezbo and his bogey pants...

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th March 2006, 14:35

no worries mate, thought you might appreciate the challenge!!!!!

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