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Gremlins Forum

time to leave

special_k84 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th November 2005, 20:56

i introduced a few of my flat mates to this game. unfortunately the time has come for us to do some uni work, deadlines are looming and since i am the only one with internet access its hard for every one to find time to battle their grems.
we have decided to terminate our grems and return at a time when there is no work to be done. 4 of us are in the top ten so us leaving will open things up a bit maybe, good luck to every one.
we will b seeing you all back on this game soon.

RE: time to leave

Flyda (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th November 2005, 09:08

sorry to see you go good luck at uni

RE: time to leave

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 12th November 2005, 12:24

Good luck with your studies - tis a shame, your grem probably would`ve made it into the top 10 all time best at the rate it was going...

Hope to see you back again in the not-to-distant!


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