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Gremlins Forum

Morley`s Pup

Iva Sorebum (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 13:51

for that last 2 days I have looked up the league and picked on bigger grem`s than mine, most of the time I end up having a good old rucous and losing, however for the last 2 days I have challenged Morley`s Wuss and been refuse the gratification of some much needed XP `cos the fights are refused!!


RE: Morley`s Pup

Lamplighter (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 14:53


This item was edited on Friday, 5th August 2005, 16:05

RE: Morley`s Pup

Lamplighter (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 14:58


This item was edited on Friday, 5th August 2005, 16:05

RE: Morley`s Pup

BugBug (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 15:04

Nice story, Iva -- if it`s all the same to you, I prefer to try to figure out this new and substantially different game we`re playing. So far, what I`ve figured out is that I have higher strength than another grem and enough dex so that he can`t `hit harder` and out number my strength -- it`s great to challenge those with enough stamina to make it last 20 rounds -- the result -- well, I lose the match but receive 60-80 XP while the other guy wins the match and receive 10-20 XP plus ten for the win.

You do the math -- but I have no desire to use my grem who has built up decent stamina at the expense of strength (at least until the game changed) to allow you to hit me three times in a 20 round match and then take away 70 XP while I take 20. No thanks!

Our stats are 1310/2225/1915 (me) to 2700/1000/560 (you) -- exactly the scenario I detailed above -- if I hit harder, my strength goes to 1501 -- that is still significantly lower than your 2700 -- and well, I`m not handing out HUGE buckets of points to you.

Prior to the game change, I have refused NO ONE but once or twice with Bruce -- in the old days, accepting a fight meant you got at least 3 XP -- and could give up a maximum of 36 (if they were lucky enough to knock you out in the 20th round). In the new system, I can easily get zero points against a very high strength grem like yours -- and you can get 70 or 80 if you can make the fight last long enough.

No thanks!!

I didn`t like the old system as I thought it favored high dex grems too much and had caused the game to become boring because of its predictability and the fact that everyone was using the same style. I was hoping that the new system would change that -- and it did -- but now it`s a MUCH different landscape -- may be better as all of the grems that existed when the change hit die off and a fresh crop are created. Everyone is running for more strength right now as they see that as the way to win -- but high strength grems get quick knockouts and thus less points unless they fight grems a little higher than them in the standings who have the stamina to withstand a few punches. I choose not to provide you with all of the points that MY stamina earned you!!

RE: Morley`s Pup

BugBug (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 15:04

Ah -- I see Iva -- you`ve already figured all of this out.....

Fumbling Lover is the winner as No Longer Skiving Jr has passed out!
Fumbling Lover won 3 rounds, doing 4141 damage, whilst No Longer Skiving Jr won 14 rounds, doing 570 damage
Fumbling Lover gained 76 experience points for this match, whilst No Longer Skiving Jr gained 12.

You got Skiving to accept your battle and collected that sweet pot of points -- and you saw that my grem had stats that would also allow you to reap a big reward so you challenged me. Unfortunately, I`m not afraid to use the refuse button.

This item was edited on Friday, 5th August 2005, 16:07

RE: Morley`s Pup

Iva Sorebum (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 17:16

why should I be persecuted cos you wanna breed ballet dancers instead of barbarians?

RE: Morley`s Pup

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 17:31

BugBug is scared of accepting challenges, refused me as well

and who cares BugBug if you hand me abucket full of XP, cus when its your turn to get a bucket load you will F u c k ALL

This item was edited on Friday, 5th August 2005, 18:36

RE: Morley`s Pup

BugBug (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 17:54

why should I be persecuted cos you wanna breed ballet dancers instead of barbarians?

Shouldn`t be persecuted at all -- LOOK -- the rules of this game were changed in mid-stream -- none of us knew what was coming -- it just happened. No big deal -- the basic game is still the same -- the rules have just changed. Being that this was done in mid-stream, some existing grems have extreme advantages over the others -- I chose to refuse a few fights because of these extreme advantages. I don`t think I`m the only one out there doing it either.

Throw all your banter about -- and even use cleverly filthy language Fake -- I have refused a few matches -- and chances are that I`ll refuse more if I`m challenged by someone who will take away a ton of points compared to a very little gain by me.

I seriously don`t believe that we can really assess any of the new changes until all of our grems die off and we`re all forced to start over from scratch. I simply won`t accept fights that are going to net you massive points -- I did it a few times yesterday and learned my lesson. Like it or not -- bash me or not -- that`s the way it is.

RE: Morley`s Pup

Kris Kringle (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 18:16

I have to agree -- I`ve refused a few as well -- and guess what -- I`ve been refused too -- but I won`t bash him for it -- I tried to take advantage of the new rules and get big points -- and two different grems refused me. That`s the breaks -- they figured it out -- they `won` the fight -- had they accepted, I may have moved past them in the standings despite LOSING both fights!

Quit whining -- refusals wouldn`t be an option in the game if it were against the rules to use it. Iva, Fake -- you chose a tactic in playing the game to try to win -- you were refused -- also part of the game. It`s okay -- and it will feel better in the morning!

RE: Morley`s Pup

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 22:53

BugBug & Kris Kringle, so you are scared of some one doing better that your self, you openly admit it.

As with most of us who play gremlins, we think the refuse option should be removed because it is used to freely as with your self being selfish and denying some other gremlin points.

You people are the first to whing that some one refused you.

yes the point system as changed, my gremlin is in a place to take advantage from it. as you said no one can fully assess the new rules until all gremlins are reborn so accept the friggin fight next time you a r s e s

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