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Gremlins Forum

refused my first fight

Devil_child (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 12:01

Am really sorry to bonus, but i refuse to accept a challenge from people that decide to pick on a gremlin that is more than ten places below you and have way too many points you being position 45 with these points : 1125 1025 522, compared to my gremlin being in position 60 with these points: 135 150 116. unfair advantage i think or am i just being silly?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 13:07

RE: refused my first fight

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 12:14

He`s a well known bully - do a search on "bruce" or "bonus" and you`ll see!

Although, to be slightly more fair to him (not sure he deserves it) there aren`t as many gremlins around as there used to be and you do quite often end up having to choose between fighting a big guy, or picking on a little one. :/

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