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Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

neilw (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 09:41


Does anyone know what`s going to happen in the next Episode ?

Obviously we`ll see Anakin move to the dark side, but who is it that takes him ? Presumably Dooku?
Will Luke and Leia appear in the next film ? Why did Anakin and Padme have Luke adopted ?

All this may be well known, but I haven`t read anything...
(Of course there`s some of you who don`t care, apologies therefore, for another Star Wars thread)


RE: Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 10:40


I reckon Anankin will use his anger to defeat Dooku and take his place at the side of Palpatine (Darth Sidious) as Darth Vader. Obi-Wan and Vader will then duel and Vader will lose and fall into lava. This is when he will become the Darth Vader we know (and love) from the original trilogy, as he will need all that equipment to stay alive.

Luke and Leia are seperated and adopted in order to hide them from the Dark side. Obi Wan will watch over Luke and Bail Organa of Alderaan adopts Leia into that planet`s royal family. Luke`s aunty and uncle actually adopt him, although Owen Lars is not happy with this and guards him from Obi-Wan. The reason for this is because he knows what Luke`s father has become and he does not want the same to happen to Luke.

Vader obviously doen`t know he has any children until he runs into Luke at the battle of Yavin. It is not until the battle aboard the second Death Star that he discovers the truth about Leia. Leia was obviously not strong enough in the force for Vader to sense her during the times they met. Whereas Luke is very strong in the force and the fact that his name wasn`t changed from Skywalker obviously twigged something with Vader.

Some of the above is already known, some I have guessed from putting two and two together (and no doubt coming up with five). Yes I am at work, yes I ought to be doing something more constructive and yes I have grown up with Star Wars. I probably would have been better off putting as much effort into my schoolwork as I put into Star Wars, LOL.

Hope this helps, feel free to add stuff or argue with what I have put.


This item was edited on Monday, 20th May 2002, 14:04

RE: Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 12:33

...what will happen is that the movie will be panned by every reviewer and geek in the country, hailed as the best movie ever made by the Star Wars fanatics and, because it will be last Star Wars movie, it will also end up breaking every box-office record in the book thus providing George with the revenue to buy that elusive ivory back-scratcher he`s been after... the resulting furore will then spur The Chinless Wonder™ on to make the final, final, final trilogy fully CG...

RE: Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

neilw (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 13:38

That has answered most of my questions, thankyou.
You even answered a question that I didn`t ask (but thought about)...Why wasn`t Leia a Jedi? I`d love to see her handle a Light Sabre (fnaaar fnaaar).

As for Mr Wonderful`s comments.. I purposely placed in my thread, an apology to all non-Star Wars fans for yet another thread reating to Star Wars, to minimise the risk of a anti-Star Wars fan giving the predictable response. Unfortunately, you chose to ignore it, and instead, gave me the benefit of your version of the next Episode. Thanks anyway, slightly different to Flying Monkeys but still worth a read.
Incidently, what is your favouraite Film/Book etc ?...(that questions goes to Handsome)

RE: Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 14:03

In the extended Star Wars universe (which I hate) i.e. all the books and comic, etc, that are set after Jedi, Luke starts up a Jedi acadamey and Leia does train to become a Jedi.


This item was edited on Monday, 20th May 2002, 14:04

RE: Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 14:30

I saw an interview with Hayden Christenson the other day and he said that on a visit to skywalker ranch, Lucas had him trying on the original Vader helmet, Does this mean we get to see him in full vader gear for episode 2. I also heard on the grape vine that we get a brief glimpse of Han Solo and Chewy. Dont take that last part for gospel as i cant remember where i heard it.

RE: Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 14:37

I heard that James Earl-Jones (voice of Vader) has been hired for Ep 3, so i think we will see Vader as he appears in the original trilogy.

Depending on when Lucas sets Ep 3 we may see many cameos from familiar characers and/or vehicles, locations, etc.


RE: Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 15:25

Hey come on now, I`m not a Star Warsaphobe but I am sick of hearing about how great George Lucas is - the truth of the matter is that he is a second-rate director living off a 25 year old idea. I agree that the whole Star Wars universe is truly captivating and I can understand why it has such a loyal and fanatical following (usually from people with something seriously missing from their lives) but come on George, you`ve sucked that particular teat dry.

Just for the record, my favourite movie is between Miller`s Crossing and Howard The Duck. Now if you`ll excuse me I`m off to finish Rogue Leader.... ;-).

RE: Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 15:40

You see people keep having there little jibes at Lucas,TPM and AOTC. Now I will be fair and say he could have done a hell of alot more with both these films but why should he, when he has millions of people who will pay to see and buy the films no matter how bad the are, i mean if the guy made a 2 minute tv commercial star wars related i gaurentee that someone would put a thread in the software forum asking where they could buy it. We truly are his cotton pickers. The guy is a genius.

RE: Star Wars Episode III - What will happen ?

neilw (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 15:43

I take your point, although I do find it hard to be irritated by George Lucas. He has entertained me with Star Wars (Particularly when I was younger) and also with the Indiana Jones films.

I personally don`t take the films that seriously, but I do enjoy them and my kids do too, and with DVD, it even made The Phantom Menace worth watching again!!

Can`t fault your taste with Howard the Duck !

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