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How old do you feel?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2018, 02:29

This might ring a few bells.

Mrs Snaps was having this exact conversation with a 17 year old and getting the same disbelieving 'No way' answers.


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I am not young enough to know everything.

RE: How old do you feel?

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2018, 11:29

Getting people to stop pressing buttons on Smart phones is impossible nowadays. (I do not have one, mine is dumb) 

Examples of smart phone problems...
Getting fired for using Smart phones in meetings.
Getting run over by cars while using Smart phones
Falling into mall  ornamental pools by being oiblivious to surrounding.
Crashing due to texting in cars or looking at incoming calls.
Being at a party or a pub and no conversations as everyone is on the phone or looking at it or button pressing.

Definitely a sign of the times.

RE: How old do you feel?

ella (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2018, 11:51

Oh so true, I don’t allow my two grandsons with phones in my home they have to leave it at their home. Because how rude and depending on those phone., I cannot stand them how bad they weren’t acting like human beings. No feelings no personality and a lot of indifference . So we still working for these boys to develop personalities.Plus how old do I feel lately One hundred but I move my ass in stretching,it helps getting around smoothly and a bit faster 😜

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th October 2018, 11:54

Liked by: bandicoot

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