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This is way off topic but...

mike.d (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th February 2002, 22:37

Does any1 know anybody what a floor layer ( carpet fitter/ flooring specialist etc) earns??
I am one myself with 10 years experience but am thinking i am getting the royal shaft from my boss on wages..( i`m employed f/t)
And i can`t seem to find a web site that will tell me in plain english what a f/t employed or self employed fitter should be getting paid, weekly or monthly.
Can any1 put me out of my misery...
cheers every1 :-)

RE: This is way off topic but...

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 03:06

No offence intended, but if you have ten years of experience shouldn`t you know how much they get paid?

RE: This is way off topic but...

mike.d (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 18:16

Good question and yes i know roughly how much self employed fitters get paid just not sure how much the employed ones get.....

RE: This is way off topic but...

Psychotext (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 23:32

The only way you can really find that out is to search for jobs... the average wages will soon be apparent. You never know, you might even find yourself a better job!

RE: This is way off topic but...

mike.d (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd February 2002, 13:07

You dont know how right you are.... 26k wow.....

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