Can anyone recommend a good Remote Control Switch/Socket set for the living room?
Ben Franklin(Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 19th July 2009, 19:16
It`s getting difficult to get behind the TV stand etc. in order to switch off the plugs on wall. I know a few of you have discussed them before on here so I thought I`d see if anybody had a set they could recommend. Had a look on Amazon but the reviews have most of them down as a mixed bag.
Cheers! :)
"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
RE: Can anyone recommend a good Remote Control Switch/Socket set for the living room?
buttoncup(Competent) posted this on Sunday, 19th July 2009, 21:42
i got a set in wilkinsons (sp) £12.99 2 plugs and remote, works great! tNumber/0461577/Trail/searchtext%3EREMOTE+SOCKET.htm that one
This item was edited on Sunday, 19th July 2009, 22:57
RE: Can anyone recommend a good Remote Control Switch/Socket set for the living room?
Stu UK(Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th July 2009, 11:35
have them all on a switched anti surge ext and use a length of dowl to hit the main switch and all are turned off.