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Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th November 2001, 14:46

Seen loads of adverts, but I`m sure there`s a catch in there somewhere. I know you have to buy at least 6 titles, and although I don`t buy much R2 stuff, I`d probably buy that many within a year.

Anyone had any good/bad experiences with them?

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

jubbly (Competent) posted this on Friday, 30th November 2001, 16:53

Don`t bother.

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

Bomber182 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 30th November 2001, 19:24

i agree. Dont bother. i`m a member and its the worth thing i could ever do!

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th November 2001, 19:41

O.K Thanks for the tips!

I`m going to take the p*** out of my flatmate who joined yesterday! He wouldn`t believe me that it was a mistake!

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th November 2001, 20:04

Don`t even go there.

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th November 2001, 20:35

it was worth it before when you could get box sets as part of your intro offer and they only counted as one choice. I did join and got scream and Jp boxsets. I should have really gotten 5 scream ones but decided against it. Agree at the moment, it aint worth it

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

Neil aka Neiliboy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd December 2001, 22:44

Good scam:

Move to another flat, put yourself on the Voters Role for credit purposes, get Britannia to send you 5 free DVD`s. Move flat before they have a chance to chase you... simple, worked for a few people i know!

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd December 2001, 00:11

What, and then lie on every form you ever fill out after that when it asks you the question "Have you lived at the above address for less than 2 years ? If not complete the information below, listing all addresses you`ve lived at for the last two years." You`ve obviously got a good grip on credit verification (bank loans, overdrafts, credit cards, book clubs, phone installations, digital TV, renting TV, etc, etc, etc : virtually any financial transaction you do will result in an organisation having a gander at the electoral role).

Foolish, and also illegal - think about what you`re posting Juan and try not to breach the Forum Rules again.

I hate Britannia as much as the next man (believe you me, I`ve still got three items to try and find in four months that don`t cost the same as an airline ticket to Australia), but even I wouldn`t stoop this low.

DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th December 2001, 13:45

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

Hodge (Competent) posted this on Monday, 3rd December 2001, 10:11

Slightly off topic, so sorry - but I heard that there has been a court ruling against companies being able to access/use the Electoral Role/Register for information, since it is a breach of the Data Protection Act.

There will be (in future) a seperate database, based on the electoral register, which these companies will be able to access, and which we can opt out of.

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd December 2001, 12:27

I seem to remember reading something like that in one of the national tabs....

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