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The Patriot

tpmchugh (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 23rd October 2000, 11:51

I wonder why the bother of putting RCE on this disc. The VCD copy of this movie has been around for about two months. It is an excellent copy but has oriental subtitles that cant be got rid of. My son bought one for £5 and offered me the loan of it. I refused saying I would rather wait for the legit DVD so that I could really enjoy it plus I dont want to be putting money into the hands of pirates. However if as it seems it wont play on my Wharfie, I will be borrowing my sons copy. It may be only a spit in the ocean but they have lost the revenue they would have got had I bought this DVD. All RCE is going to do is encourage the pirates to find a way round it and the studios will have lost the money that they would have received from people like me who cant play the legit discs on their machines. Personally, I would rather have the DVD but if I am forced to buy pirated VCDs then so be it

RE: The Patriot

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd October 2000, 19:12

Excellent point about loss of revenue, TP.

The problem is that the studios don`t think as logically as us folk and they think the way to make a shed load of money is to crack down on R1 exports to Europe, and more importantly, Asia.

I`d like to think that once shareholders at WHV and Sony (for starters) realise that the profits are going down because of the loss of this trade they`ll realise the error of the Big Nobs ways and force them to do away with RCE. (Sigh - dream on Clayts !)

You could argue that the export of R1 discs isn`t that big a business - but look at the amount of people using a site like this, asking for hacks, advice about playing R1 discs, etc.

Yeah Europe/UK is big, but the Far East is a damn sight bigger and R1 discs are getting there - that`s what the Yankee Studios don`t like. Indeed, they don`t like it up `em, Mr Mainwaring....

What do the rest of you think ?

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