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DVD Rentals from your local library

David Clegg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th October 2000, 13:25

Those of you interested in renting DVDs may be surprised to know that you might be able to get them from your public library.

At Huddersfield library all the DVDs are £2.50 for 2 nights. This is exactly the same price as the rental price for new releases on VHS so they are not attempting to make extra profit out of the new format.

They have a good range of movies (over 70 in stock when I did a quick count this lunch time) from Disney ones for the kids through to the latest releases. I don`t think you`d get them on the day of release but they don`t seem to be far behind (they certainly had The Insider, Being John Malkovich in stock - newer releases may have been out on loan)

The library normally reduces the price of its VHS rentals after they have been rented out so many times, you can then get them for £1 or £2 a week - hopefully the DVDs will follow this route as more people rent them out.

At the moment Kirklees Metropolitan Council may be leading the country with this development (although I think they only do them at Huddersfield, they certainly aren`t available in Dewsbury Library).

So - check out you local library and if they don`t do DVD pester them to do so. Then instead of lining Blockbusters pockets you can put something back into a valuable community resource (or if you are in Kirklees as I am you can help keep the local councillors` tea trolley jam packed full of cakes and biscuits and boost their expense accounts while they shut down valuable local services like the children`s library reading clubs and summer holiday activities.)

Perhaps others who know of libraries renting DVDs in their local area could add the details in replies to this post.



RE: DVD Rentals from your local library

pete the gremlin (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th October 2000, 21:30

Guildford Library is doing DVD rentals.. same price as yours if I remember rightly.

Another good laff is borrowing an audio CD from the library, shove it in your cd-rom drive and fire up audiograbber. Not that I`d ever recommend that anyone should con the music biz outta another CD sale *cough* :-)

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