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Anyone had "Mobile Communications" phone you up offering to buy out your contract?

JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th May 2006, 16:49

Over the past 3 weeks I must have had 8 phone calls from these people. At first I assumed it was o2, and they kept ringing and asking that as my contract was ending soon would I be interested in a phone upgrade. I told them my contract didn`t expire until July, they said they`d phone back then.

After 4 or so of these calls I got annoyed, so actually listened to what the (very persistant) guy had to say a couple of days ago. Basically they wanted to buy out my remaining 2 months of my o2 contract, send me a cheque to cover that and start me on a 3 mobile contract today and send me a new phone. I asked if o2 were aware of this "not that I know of" was his answer. I asked how he`d got my number and he wouldn`t answer me. I very clearly then said I wasn`t interested and not to call me again.

In the past 3 days I`ve had another 3 phonecalls, 2 of them yesterday. Everytime since I have answered the phone and told them to "f*** off". Hopefully they`ll get the hint.

A friend of mine (also on o2) has also been getting this. Just wondering if anyone else has?

I`m definitely going to email o2 this weekend as there is obviously a breach of the data protection act somewhere along the line and I`m not happy with this harassment on a near enough daily basis if it is their fault. I never give out my mobile number on the net etc so I wonder how they have got hold of it.

If anyone else has had similar experiences please share them, thanks.

RE: Anyone had "Mobile Communications" phone you up offering to buy out your contract?

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 26th May 2006, 17:05

yeah, i got loads of these calls near the end of my last contract (contract was with o2 via the carphone whorehouse) & it was always the 3 network that would ring up, on a daily basis & whilst im at work (thus getting me in trouble) telling them to f*** of does not seem to bother them. im expecting the same s*** when i get near the end of this contract as well, & tbh thats why i dont think ill ever use the 3 network. i realy hate cold calls...... especialy from some nice indian fellow called "tony" or a nice indian lady called "liz" (im assuming they want you to think they are calling from england & not india :/

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: Anyone had "Mobile Communications" phone you up offering to buy out your contract?

JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th May 2006, 17:22

Yeah same thing here always whilst I`m at work, and off different numbers too.

Any idea how they got hold of your number or contract details though? This is what I`m most bothered about to be honest, I can`t imagine o2 being happy about 3 trying to steal their customers behind their back using underhand tactics

RE: Anyone had "Mobile Communications" phone you up offering to buy out your contract?

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th May 2006, 18:35

Had a few of them. Missed the first time they called but Google told me what to expect. Second time I wasnt on the phone so politely told em to go away. Think they may have phoned back once... but that could well have just been a random birmingham number.

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