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Scientists make water run uphill......

kevingattaca (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th April 2006, 11:52

RE: Scientists make water run uphill......

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th April 2006, 11:55

Fantastic but where do I buy my uphill water pusher cheaply! :D ;)
Been on the Budweiser?? :D

This item was edited on Sunday, 30th April 2006, 12:56

RE: Scientists make water run uphill......

WD423 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th April 2006, 13:29

Right, so water ran uphill. What has this to do with bargains? :/


This item was edited on Sunday, 30th April 2006, 14:29

RE: Scientists make water run uphill......

kevingattaca (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th April 2006, 16:49

Enough !??! PLEASE I GIVE UP ?!??!

I made a mistake ( SORRY ALL )
I should have put it on the "GENERAL" section



( Looks like the song was wrong - "Sorry seem`s to be the hardest thing to say" see Elton John for that one )

K - ( I did say sorry right ???? )

RE: Scientists make water run uphill......

WD423 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th April 2006, 16:53

I think we can forgive you this time. So saying sorry worked. :D


RE: Scientists make water run uphill......

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th April 2006, 17:21

Easy tiger, only kiddin`! :)

RE: Scientists make water run uphill......

kevingattaca (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th April 2006, 17:52

You know it takes a BIG man to admit when they are wrong......

BUT.......I`m NOT a big man !

( Sorry ?! )


RE: Scientists make water run uphill......

The_Rocksta (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 1st May 2006, 12:47

( Looks like the song was wrong - "Sorry seem`s to be the hardest thing to say" see Elton John for that one )

He`s even got that wrong. :D

RE: Scientists make water run uphill......

kevingattaca (Elite) posted this on Monday, 1st May 2006, 13:03


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OK OK You get ANOTHER "SORRY" for that one OK, HAPPY NOW !?? (LOL)


RE: Scientists make water run uphill......

bytemaster (Elite) posted this on Monday, 1st May 2006, 14:29

Might not be a bargain, but still an interesting article.

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