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WTF is wrong with British drivers?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 09:41

AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! SNOW!! **BRAKE**

AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! SNOW!! **BRAKE**

AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! SNOW!! **BRAKE**

AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! SNOW!! **BRAKE**

and so on, all the way to f***ing work, with the people in front of me insisting on driving at exactly half any available speed limit. Even though ive seen more snow in my freezer box. The roads were perfectly clear for gods sake, there was only a light covering on the verges.

And what the hell happened to the gritters? Admittedly, there wasnt a huge need for them, but it might have put some of the panicky petes at ease, knowing there was a bit of grit on the road. I mean, I followed a guy doing 25 on a national speed limit road because there was half a centimeter of slush at the side of the road.

Why does even the lightest dusting of snow cause British drivers to go into absolute apoplexy?

And if you are one of these drivers, whats your problem?

/roadrage off.....

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 09:41

RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 09:52


tbh, i was feeling pretty much the same way as you this morning. it took me
1 hour 40 minutes to complete a 15 mile journey.

there`s not much you can do except to go with the flow.

my reason for excessive journey time was due to accidents on the M6 and
also the black country route which had not been gritted.

Ste. that gasoline i smell?

RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

Sminty (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 10:24

lol... i had the same problem... took over a hour to drive a 20 min drive this morning :(

RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 10:33

Some of the drivers in London are insanse. I was watching a queue hammering their horns yesterday, even though it was a red light. I felt sorry for the poor guy at the front, who seemed to be so put off by it he ended up feeling that much pressure to do something her drove straight across the road.

So I concur. WTF is wrong with British drivers?

Giggity giggity!

RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

Magic_ians (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 10:42

Maybe they r driving slow because of the black ice they cant see :/

I Cant Do Magic

RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 11:23

ALL and yes I mean all of us need to get into the car and stop

take a deep breath

think of your loved ones or in my case the god I call thorntons (chain of chocolate shops for you thin people :) )

Say to yourself no matter how bad someone drives today during my journey I will smile listen to my fav music and stay calm

I will not make rude gestures or sound my horn neither will I scream or rant

I will maintain a safe distance between myself and the driver in front

I will attempt to anticipate the suicidal actions of what appear to be fellow road users both in motor vehicles, bikes or on foot

I will reach my destination in a clam and refreshed manner

I maybe late but I will be kissing and hugging my loved ones on my return which I may not be albe to do if I follow the action of some of my fellow road users

Chill and raise above it

Failing that have a large cannon fitted behind your radiator grill :D

mmm chocolate

RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 11:32

If only people would realise that work is not the be all and end all of this world.

Who cares if you are late for what! Everyone will be late, even the boss and if you are good at your job they should not hold it against you.

Better to arrive late than wrap yourself around a tree or even worse, kill someone elses family when you lose control of your car.

why take life so seriously..its not like you are going to make it out alive

RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 11:40

I`d love to know what was wrong with the fat pr1ck BMW driver with his suit jacket hung up in the back of his car who was behind me this morning. Apparently me doing 65mph on a 60mph road wasn`t good enough for him. Me pulling to the left to let him pass wasn`t good enough for him. Instead, he wanted to sit a foot off my back bumper.

Yes i gave him the w***er sign and yes when he pulled alongside me at the roundabout i called him a fat, BMW driving c*nt. The best he could do was take the mickey out of my sunglasses and ask me if I wanted to pull over for a fight.

No I don`t want to fight you. I just want to get to work in one piece.


RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 11:42

The point isnt the fact that I want to go incredibly fast or drive dangerously. The speed limit would do me. And being late doesnt really bother me either as I pretty much work flexi time.

Its just the fact that the roads today were perfectly fine. Have these people got such little faith in their cars or driving abilities that they have to drive so damn slowly? If they do they really shouldnt be on the roads in the first place.

Like I said, the roads were fine today yet people were driving 30 in 60 zones, which is just like a red rag to some people and caused some really dangerous overtaking.

I just find it worrying that in anything other than mild driving conditions, people lose the ability to drive properly as seen by all the hard braking, slow driving and crashes on the motorway. God help us if we ever had any severe weather.

And also, like Nick said, tailgaiting should be punishable by death. Most nights when I drive home the only things I can see in my RVM are two headlights about a foot away from my bumper.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 11:44

RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 11:43

Maybe they r driving slow because of the black ice they cant see

There you have the problem,in a nutshell.
People drive slowly in the snow because of ignorance.
They are ignorant,in that they assume conditions are worse than they actually are.
I live in the North East of Scotland and in all my driving days and I can count the number of time I`ve encountered the legendary black ice on one hand.
In fact,I can think of encountering it once....once in 20 years of driving in winter conditions like this (photo taken yesterday)

People are also ignorant about the capabilities of their car.
Most cars are fitted with some form of traction control and/or anti-lock braking these days,yet people still drive like their car will become a spinning cage of doubtless death if they exceed 20mph.

Fear and ignorance,that sums it up nicely.

Honestly,If a good driver were to take these people out in the snow,in their own cars,and show them that it`s perfectly possible to drive normally without it being akin to putting a toaster in your bath,they would be shocked and stunned.

It does my head in as well,although I probably think it`s worse where you are NTG,for the simple fact you don`t see that much of it.


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