Enough of the sexist "phwooar" threads, already...
Lads, I know it`s Summer but this Forum is turning into a spotty teenager`s lust forum, and is getting a little bit childish, if you want my opinion.
Please respect the fact ladies come here too - not very nice for them to see countless threads "phwooaring" over people.
Call me old fashioned, but I come here to have interesting debates, not the sexist lusting crap that has been appearing here, particularly today.
Sod off to the Choking the Chicken forum if you want to keep up with this rubbish.
Thank you...
Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site
RE: Enough of the sexist "phwooar" threads, already...
Oh Man!!!
I jst wanted to share my new found love with you all!! ;)
I blame it on Balboa wotsisface myself ..........he`s a bit :x :x :x with Kirsten as you can tell...... :/ ;)
No Humping Stormtroopers here....... :/
RE: Enough of the sexist "phwooar" threads, already...
I thought they were harmless!
I`m not going to complain if the ladies were to post a thread about the best looking bloke.
What I`m listening to...
RE: Enough of the sexist "phwooar" threads, already...
Please respect the fact ladies come here too - not very nice for them to see countless threads "phwooaring" over people.
Call me old fashioned, but I come here to have interesting debates, not the sexist lusting crap that has been appearing here, particularly today.
Sod off to the Choking the Chicken forum if you want to keep up with this rubbish.
Hear, hear.
RE: Enough of the sexist "phwooar" threads, already...
Sod off to the Choking the Chicken forum if you want to keep up with this rubbish.What`s the link? :p

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?
RE: Enough of the sexist "phwooar" threads, already...
Yes enough of the sexy ladies, what we need is more Man United threads. Whilst we`re at it.
Is this the boring bastards season? F*** me, since when did we all turn American all of a sudden?
Oh no!!! it`s a pair of boobs, run away, run away!!!
DVD collection
RE: Enough of the sexist "phwooar" threads, already...
I`m with Clayts, and on a similar note, I`m sick of having to Adblock sigs of wobbling arses and tits. Should I find one of some bloke waving his bits about?
I`m partly with floyd, and with Clayts.
And @ random username: Isn`t a girls ass wobbling around slightly different to someone`s penis? :/

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?
This item was edited on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 22:03
i think maybe we should all chip in, so that some of the needy folks here can have a sense of humour transplant :D
hail Hitler.......... :/ .............
general nobody @ www.dvdreviewer.co.ukformerly known as theogster

This item was edited on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 22:08