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Region 2 Exports?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th May 2001, 14:30

Does anyone know how well Region 2 disks sell overseas? Is it easy to convert PAL to NTSC or do you get the same problems as here? Maybe there`s the purists over there who buy the R2 releases due the the increased resolution. Anyone know?

RE: Region 2 Exports?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th May 2001, 15:42

to be honest id be very surprised if R2 sold vitually anything in the states. its the same as anything over there anything outside of the US is deemed inferior and irrelavent. look at there newspapers, all news consists of stories happening with the US (why on earth would they want to know anything about other parts of the world?!). most americans dont venture out of ther own country to go on holiday for god sakes!!! why would they when they live in the `land of the free` and the best country in the world (???) anyway...

RE: Region 2 Exports?

transam (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th May 2001, 15:52

i travel and work in the states and canada
and the majority of people don`t even know there are countries outside the usa even people in my companies global opperations dont know that europe uses 220/240 so i wouldn`t think the majority are aware that other regions exist.
and yes it is easy to convert pal to ntsc and vice versa i use my hap (win tv) something tv card on the pc for all conversions it works well and the quality is good but maybe not if you are pureist

RE: Region 2 Exports?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th May 2001, 18:42

I know of one ex-Brit who most definitely buys R2 discs in preference to R1 for the better picture quality.

He does all his shopping at, and seems quite happy.

One out of how many million ?!

RE: Region 2 Exports?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 00:48

Not one to miss out on some yank here we go....(and this is my personal experience...and not directed at every american........ before i get my wrist slapped again!)

After several astounding conversations with yanks in chat rooms.....I was absolutely dumbfounded by their lack of knowledge of the rest of the world.....especially of the UK..... here`s some quotes from said chat rooms....

Yank - "so...whacha doin for independance day then?"......AAAAAAAARGGGHHHHH she didn`t even understand why we wouldn`t celebrate it

Yank 2 - "England eh? it really full of ghosts and dracula` it really as spooky as in the films...(her the way)....i tried to explain Romania..but she wasn`t really interested....

I could go on...but this is already way off topic......


This item was edited on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 01:59

RE: Region 2 Exports?

mattski (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 08:52

well in the spirit of yankee bashing when i was travelling here are a few gems:

ozzy bloke asked if he rode a kangaroo to work (we thought he was joking)

english guy working in disneyworld (never have i met people who hated their employers more) said they are asked at least a couple of times a week if the british flag comes in any other colours

talking to a woman in a bar in orlando and when she asked me where i was from i said birmingham, she then said `what, you mean in alabama?`. after a stunned few seconds of silence i just said `yeah`. took her 10 minutes to work out i was in fact from the uk

girl with really strong glaswegian accent asked what language they spoke in scotland (even i thought that one was funny!)

i could go on but i think that clayts may kick me out if i carry on being so nasty to those poor yanks!!

one last thing though when i was bored once (im a sad man see!) went on to icq and told a chat room that america would never be involved in another war cos they have no stomach for a fight!!! how much was i flamed to death. `if it wasnt for us youd be talking german` was a common response. to which i could only reply `well, maybe that would beat talking american?` KAPOW!!!

RE: Region 2 Exports?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 08:58

two examples of how thick americans can be was when i was on a beach in san diego last year. i got talking to a couple and the conversation went like this:

"i live in america which makes me an american ok?? so as you come from britain what does that make you?!?!?!
"errmmm british mate...."

"ok in america we worship what we called call `god` so in britain within your religion who do you worship?"

and after this ridiculous question and after been asked were you executed for smoking weed i dedcided it was best just to walk away before i said something..........

RE: Region 2 Exports?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 10:00

Two words for you...

"Jerry Springer"
There are variations on the spelling though...
"Ricki Lake"
"Montel Jordan"
"Sally Jr"

I cannot stand these programs. They show up mankind in the worst light. I really hope life on other planets doesn`t exist, because if they did, they`d have the best reason ever to wipe us all out.
Oh, and another thing....Mullets. Why?

RE: Region 2 Exports?

jubbly (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 11:33

I was skiing in Canada a few months ago & got chatting to several different people on lifts (all American sadly) and on three different occasions was asked (after explaining that my accent wasn`t Aussie & I actually live in London) what`s the skiing like in London! One of these people actually went on to admit that she lived in London for a year. When I explained that there weren`t any mountains in England (let alone London) I was often asked: Why not?

I think that says it all.

Good point about the mullets too.

RE: Region 2 Exports?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 12:15

Not to interrupt the Yankophobic flow, but... :-) be honest, I think we in Britain are almost as bad. For every American who doesn`t know there`s a Birmingham in the UK, there`s an Englishman or Scotsman who couldn`t point to New York (or York, for that matter!) on a map.

I met one American girl who was surprised that she couldn`t plug her laptop straight in, and had to buy an adapter. But how many "ordinary" British folk (that is, people who aren`t technically minded DVD enthusiasts) know that America has 110 volt mains or that it uses a different TV system? For most people, America means dumbed down TV, Hollywood films and Disney World, and not much else.

As for Independence Day, I imagine there are just as many Brits who aren`t aware that the US doesn`t have Guy Fawkes` Night or Boxing Day.

Maybe we laugh at the Americans because they`re the only people on this planet more parochial than ourselves :-)


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