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How easy is it ...?

fame4love (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 23rd January 2005, 08:10

Having read about the 12yr old getting sued for peer to peer downloading, and the music giants clamping down, i wondered...
Just how easy is it for these people to track you down ??
Not that I`ve anything to worry about, just curious as I imagined it was difficult.. must have been wrong

RE: How easy is it ...?

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 23rd January 2005, 09:37

Pretty easy to be honest.

If you download a file from one of the music company`s fake servers, then they have your IP address. From that they can work out which ISP you use, and then (not sure if it`s law yet) they should be able to request your details from the ISP.

It just depends on how much of a prolific uploader/downloader you are as to whether they would bother coming after you. It was only about 9 months ago when it really became illegal in the EU, since it wasn`t truely illegal then unless you profited from it (OK you broke some copyrights, but it was up to the companies to find and sue you) - now it is truely illegal under EU law and its much easier for the companies to sue you for it.

I personally just don`t bother with that stuff anymore, and haven`t done for a long while. I just can`t be bothered for the sake of how much the songs/games/films cost.



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