Page 1 of In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches????

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In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches????

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:03

Don`t get me wrong i`m no Man Utd supporter (Chelsea Blue thru and thru) - but last nights lino was terrible - everybody but officials saw an obvious goal (at least 2 feet past the line).

I`m not sure if Video Reffing is going to help - i`m in two minds. In the States they stop and start their matches every five seconds - do we really need this?? but with incompetents running the games we may need this - what do you think?

Top of the League - You`re Havin` A Laugh!

RE: In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches??

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:07


RE: In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches??

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:09


Care to Elaborate - Yabba

RE: In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches??

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:16

I`ve been vociferously arguing with a referee all day about this.
Of course it should be allowed.
On the one hand he bleats on abouit refs having a "hard job" whilst,at the same time,condemning goal-line video as "impractical" with shouts of "where will it stop".
I`ll tell you where it`ll stop.
Goal line evidence.
That`s it,full stop.
No offsides,no penalties.
They are still too `debatable` to allow video evidence to be pondered over during a game.
Whether a ball has crossed the line is not debatable.
It either does or it doesn`t.

RE: In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches??

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:17

No, it`s all part of the fun of the game. Part of football is moaning about the refs!

Every team gets decisions going against them at some point, its the controversial decisions that keep fans talking for days, weeks, even years.

If they do introduce video replays, it will be for goals, then offsides, then fouls, then to watch Diouf flobbing at someone repeatedly, then...... we`ll never get to watch a game flowing for more than 30 seconds because we`ll be constantly watching refs making a decision.

RE: In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches??

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:25

If they do introduce video replays, it will be for goals, then offsides, then fouls, then to watch Diouf flobbing at someone repeatedly, then...... we`ll never get to watch a game flowing for more than 30 seconds because we`ll be constantly watching refs making a decision.

See my thread
I don`t agree one bit.
The FA merely needs to make it clear that it will only be used for goal-line issues.
It needn`t even be video evidence.
I believe Ice Hockey uses a buzzer,or something similar when the puck crosses the line.
God knows,crap sport.
We could have something similar though.
We can`t use video evidence for debatable issues like offside/penalties etc.etc.
We must only use it for issues that cannot be argued,like the ball crossing the line or not.

RE: In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches??

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:25

No, if all the decisions were 100% right then the game would become sterile and pointless.

RE: In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches??

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:30

then the game would become sterile and pointless.

You tell me what isn`t pointless about turning up at Old Trafford just to have 2 points taken away from you like that ? >:(
One has to face facts that,potentially,that non-professional official has cost Spurs` millions in revenue,should they miss out on Europe at the end of the season.
If they need help with that pressure,give it to them for god`s sake !

RE: In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches??

Slop (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:32


You need do it in every game and that`s not practical.

Jumpers for goalposts...hmmm..isn`t it?

RE: In light of yesterday`s appalling decision - should refs be using video replays during matches??

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 16:36

You need do it in every game and that`s not practical.

Video evidence,I`d agree.
However,fitting transponders in the ball and then the goalposts would not cost much so there`s no reason it couldn`t be done at all levels.

Tennis has it.
Ice Hockey has it.

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