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Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 21st November 2004, 18:13

As I write, I am waiting on the line to speak to customer services at Bulldog. I am in "Position 1", though I`ve been in that for the last 20mins. >:(

I signed up with Bulldog ADSL at the end of August, and on 21st November I have still not been connected. Numerous attempts have been made to get connected, but they keep blaming BT. I`ve been told lots of different dates when I`ll be online, but every time its the same old story. I`m getting incredibly irritated and frustrated by it....

Basically for all this time I`m paying £20 a month (plus the orginal whopping connection fee) and I`m not getting anything back for it. So am I within my rights to have my contract cancelled, being that they have not actually given me the service I am paying for?

Any advice much appreciated. :(

Just checked my account... and I was supposed to have been connected on 11th August. :(

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st November 2004, 18:19

RE: Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 21st November 2004, 18:55

I moan and moan about Blueyonder but at least it`s all the same company - they are capable of screwing up but they haven`t claimed it`s someone else`s fault... *yet*.

Hopefully someone here will have sorted out a similar situation or know what to do.
It`s totally unacceptbale - any way you can get a refund through your credit card or something?

RE: Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

Nina (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st November 2004, 19:36

Ben can`t help with your original query but found some freephone numbers that might help if you can`t get through on-line: 0800 4048151 ISP; Orders/Sales/Billing/Customer Service/Support; Press "0" for operator; also 0207 0344662.

If you paid by credit card tell them that you will be contacting your cc provider to initiate chargeback proceedings because basically you are paying for a service you have not received.

When they say it is BT`s fault have they told you any specifics? Have you contacted BT yourself?

RE: Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 21st November 2004, 20:51

Cheers for the help. The first number you gave me is the main customer service number, in which I waited in Position 1 for half an hour. If they were shut then that`s understandable, but why the hell was I then able to get through to the queuing system? As far as I can tell they`re open 24/7 for customer serivce...

Anyway, they say that BT have got to do some work on our line, and they told us this after we connected. I would expect the problem does lie with the BT contractors, but even so that does not forgive them for the balls up they have made. Originally they said we`d be connected within two weeks... :(

Hadn`t thought about the credit card thing, I may give them a ring if I don`t hear back from Bulldog in a manner that`s beneficial. The only thing I can see is happening, is Bulldog claiming it is out of their hands because the line is covered by BT. But then again in my defense they never made this clear when I opened the account.

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?

RE: Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

Nina (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st November 2004, 21:16

Is this for a broadband connection?

I don`t see how BT would be so slack, I`m sure the company is supposed to do a line test or something before you sign up??

RE: Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 21st November 2004, 21:21

Yes, its for broadband.

They did the line test, and we passed it according to Bulldog. But when the BT man came down to connect up the line, he said some work needed to be done. I don`t know if its BT specifically, but moreso the contractors they have who are going to be doing whatever work is necessary. BT said that the contractors had tried to contact us, but being that my mother is at home for most of the day (from where she works) there`s no way she could have missed the call. BT actually said its probably just the contractors making excuses.

So basically, we`re going through Bulldog, who are going through BT, who have contracted the necessary work to someone else....

BTW, the line is actually at my mother and fathers house, and I helped them to order it etc. I`m currently on Telewest at a different location, which is why I can post on here. ;)
So if anybody can recommend a dial up service they can use for the meantime it`d be much appreciated (they`ve been without the Internet since August when they cancelled with Freeserve).

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?

RE: Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

Nina (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st November 2004, 21:41

Now it makes sense ;)

Could you not do a sneaky and go with Virgin (free connection) and then if you wanted to still go with Bulldog migrate as soon as the broadband connection is set up? (Virgin have no 12 month contract)

When I got set up with Virgin they put me on their dial-up service whilst the BB was being set up. Good service. They were also very fast, I think it was like 3 working days that the BB was on after I placed my order even though they say allow for 10 days.

RE: Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd November 2004, 15:55

Ok, here`s an update (and quite possibly a conclusion) to my problem. Some of you might possibly be interested, so I`d thought I`d post on here my latest feedback....

Dear Mr. Franklin,

Thank you for your e-mail.

With regards to your query I have forwarded your e-mail to our provisioning department who will action your request and you will receive an e-mail from them confirming that your account has been cancelled. I have also put forward a request that you be refunded all monies that you have paid into us. I hope this is an adequate action taken.

If you have any further queries please don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail or you could call our customer service department on 0800 404 8151.

Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.

Since then I have recieved a final confirmation, telling me I will recieve a refund within the next five days.

Lets hope it all goes to plan!

Thanks for all of the help on what to do on this matter. :D

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?

RE: Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

drummerboy (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th November 2004, 01:16

I had the same problem with Bulldog I signed up for 1mb connection in August paid the conection fee but was never connected Ihad to cancel my contract twice and then the blocked my line so I was unable to connect through another ISP. I emailed them , I complained to off com and requested to talk to the manager on several occassions but he never answered my call. even when I finally got connected using BTYahoo I had payments for Bulldog taken from my account and had to stop the payments and request a refund

RE: Need some help in regards to an Internet Service that I am not recieving

bigkahunas (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 24th November 2004, 11:11

Bulldog, Although cheap and fast, are a really poor ISP (From what i`ve read / friends)

One friend signed up for the 2mb/s ADSL (Migrating from 1Mb/s BTOpenworld ADSL) and gets slower downloads than me on my 1Mb/s (i`m with Pipex).

I read on "TheRegister" that Bulldog were going to be stripped of their ISP of the Year Award or some award. Because their customer services was sh*t, (source: HERE)

Bulldog = Cable & Wireless, i just read on a website one unhappy customer rang the CEO of C&W to complain, perhaps you should try that!

Cancel your Bulldog Contract and seek a refund on the 3 months you`ve been paying but not recieving the service. Sign up with someone else thats more reputable! :)

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