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Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 19:54

I know that they "are good for the garden".. but the f***ers have lots of legs, run far too fast and drop down yer neck on web when you least expect it...

I have a shed.. sorry... should i say "THEY" have a shed.. and i need to be in it.. (my bike is in there).. i tried today.. but i found what looks like a nest, and 3 different types of spider.. one that was about 3 inches big.. and another yellow and black one.. and some other monstrosity....

someone must hate them as much as me?..

RE: Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 20:01

I don`t hate them... but I`m s*** scared of them. Seriously, I have a GIGANTIC fear of spiders. I can handle the small ones (by small, I mean smaller than a 5p piece), but the large ones freak me out. I find it extremely uncomfortable just writing this. I scan every room (usually roof corners) that I enter just to see if there are any of the pesky buggers about. I don`t like killing them because I know they don`t do any harm (in this country) but I just can`t stand them.

As for getting rid of them, I have never heard of a way... apart from going on a hunting trip :p

What about an exterminator? Although that makes me think of John Goodman in Arachnophobia ;)

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RE: Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

galaxy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 20:21

I had an encounter last year in a clothes shop in Orpington, I was looking for a long dark coat and as I was going through them to find my size there it was right smack bang in the middle of the coat, The bugger paused and then with its eight giant legs shot off up over the shoulder of the coat and never seen again.

I even told the staff in there the size of the bloody thing (size of my hand) and they all screamed and legged it themselves, Security from the shopping centre all rushed in and thus I explained what all the screaming was about they got the shivers too, They grabbed a large stick and at a distance gradually unhooked all the coats and jackets but to no avail.

It was the size of my hand and was dark choc brown, Reminded me of one of those alien face huggers. Keep a look out!!!!!!!

RE: Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 20:28

this is not a thread for you lot to recant spider stories! lol.. it`s to help me get rid of the buggers out me shed..

RE: Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 20:38

What about a Vacuum Cleaner? That sucks up all kinds of things :D

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 20:55

ah.. yes.. but then.. i`d have to empty it wouldn`t it.. and i`d also hve to go in there to use it... i was thinking more of a chemical solution?

RE: Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 20:56

Pour water on them, they usually curl up and die. If that doesn`t work, squirt them with WD40, never fails (hope there`s no spiders rights activists in :D

Mark. :)

RE: Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 20:58

I bloody hate them as well, I absolutely dread September-November time when they`re running around the house. I think you can get some stuff that they don`t like the smell of or something, which will disperse them - not too sure though. If they`ve infested the shed, then go for some form of exterminator (in Arnie voice :D) and let him dive in there...

My DVD Collection

RE: Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 21:15

I`m interested in this repellent thingy rick.. that sounds just what i`m after.. I`m getting a bathroom delivered tomorrow.. and I`m storing it in the shed untill the plumber comes on Monday.. which means i`m gonna have to go in there!!!...

it was huge the one i saw today... i bet it knows what i look like??!.. i bet it even knows my name!!!!

RE: Does anyone know how to get rid of spiders?

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 21:17

Why not wear a big outfit like this:

and it will give you the courage to go in and get out your bike.


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