Page 1 of How do they get that "showroom shine" ?

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How do they get that "showroom shine" ?

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 13th March 2004, 14:40

Picked up my car after having some minor cosmetic damage repaired. The firm that did the job valeted the car and gave it a wash and polish. The paintwork came up brilliantly (literally), just like it came out of the showroom. Was wondering how they achieved that deep glass like shine. Normally at home I use Autoglym polish and Autoglym resin finisher, but I couldn`t quite match how the professionals did it. Wonder what the secret is ?


RE: How do they get that "showroom shine" ?

SittingPretty (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 13th March 2004, 15:28

My ex was given a buffer from his friend a mechanic, (Ooh sounds painful! ;)) which he used on the cars after doing repair work. It`s like a sander... big thing with two handles, but with kinda terry nappy cover on it. Made my faded rover bonnet come up like new... had to do the whole car, because the bonnet looked like it was from a newer car. :D

RE: How do they get that "showroom shine" ?

Eggster (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 13th March 2004, 17:02

Well im a valeter for a bmw dealer in carlisle and the way we do it is to give it a good wash then we apply what is called tar and glue remover to get rid of all the tar spots then we use a buffer with a hard sponge type of head with a compound called g3(very grainy polish). When that is done we wash it of again then we use the buffer again but this time with a polishing head on it and we apply a polish called finesse which is less grainy (bit like tcut) and then do the same all over again after that we use a degreaser which we cover the car in then wash as normal once that is done then we hand polish it as normal and hey presto a very shiny car all in all it takes us about half a day to do this.

RE: How do they get that "showroom shine" ?

Ailegs (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 13th March 2004, 17:54

Now we can understand why Lionel Richies Ex needs so much money to have her cars "detailed".

"This is Nucking Futs!" - Dickie Roberts.

RE: How do they get that

AWJ72 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 13th March 2004, 18:02


look at item 2552, I`ve used this stuff, really gives a great shine yes, i saw it on qvc!!!!) :( :/

This item was edited on Saturday, 13th March 2004, 18:04

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