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Advice On How To Do Paris Without Paying Over The Odds Too Much!!

clarets (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 09:25

I am going to Paris for 4 days on the 19th of Feb with my better half. I accept that in citys such as this you pay more than I would in sunny Burnley for things. However I refuse to be ripped off and As I have often been called a "tight bastard" from friends and family etc I would like advice on places to go i.e. bars, restaurants and attractions where I will not get "fat laded" too much. Thanks in advance for any help and advice.


RE: Advice On How To Do Paris Without Paying Over The Odds Too Much!!

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 11:51

My Mrs treat me to New Year in Paris just recently. We found a great little restaurant on The Champs Elysee (Chinese) that was very reasonable. The boat trip up & down The Seine was only about 8 Euros each too! Just near the Montparnasse Tower we also got very drunk with some Parisians at Pizza Pino for a very modest sum. To be perfectly honest, it cost us no more for meals & wine than going out in The UK but we did find that beer was VERY expensive. You`ll find that a lot of places have a set menu with a wealth of choices on for a very reasonable amount. the Chinese I mentioned earlier was 17.50 Euros for 3 huge, wonderfully presented courses. I, like you had expected to be royally reamed financially and was very, very pleasantly suprised. Also, to dispel another myth, the waiters and people in general were extremely polite, helpful & patient.
Having both Welsh and Yorkshire genes in me, i too have experienced the trauma of being labelled a "tight b**tard" but even a dour bu**er like me was pleasantly surprised.
Oh and you`ll get anywhere on the Metro for about 1.5 Euros too!!
Make sure you wrap up well, have cognac coffee and sit and watch the world go by for at least half an hour in the centre...fantastic place.
Can`t believe I`m being so positive about France & the for a lie down.

RE: Advice On How To Do Paris Without Paying Over The Odds Too Much!!

clarets (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 12:26

Thanks a lot Flyer you have cheered me up no end.


RE: Advice On How To Do Paris Without Paying Over The Odds Too Much!!

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 12:33

Glad to help, I`m sure you`ll both have a fantastic time...
All the best.

RE: Advice On How To Do Paris Without Paying Over The Odds Too Much!!

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 13:03

I went to Paris during the summer, and found that it wasn`t expensive at all (we stayed near the palace of Versailles, even the tube was dirt cheap).

Meals in Paris were in the region of 10/20 euros for 2 or 3 courses, which compares pretty well with what you`ll get in the UK. I didn`t find beer particularily expensive, but soft drinks were. (we ended up paying 7 euros in one place for a glass of Coke, the meal was only 10 euros)

If they are running, get yourself a Bratobus pass, as it`s nice being able to go up and down the river jumping on and off whenever you want.

Rip off Paris? Not really.

This space for sale

. <--- Except this bit, its mine.

RE: Advice On How To Do Paris Without Paying Over The Odds Too Much!!

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 17:26

I went there once... never again..

It was my honeymoon. we were mugged, accosted and then terrified and lost near the moulin rouge. It was more of a survival weekend than a honeymoon. to top it off the petrol crisis was in full swing when we got back and we couldn`t buy any food!!!

To be honest, it was the best of times and the worst of times...

Oh, and it stank too.

We spend the last day of our honeymoon in a train station,. as we were too scared to go anywhere else. 7 hours sat on a platform.....

Of course, we look back on it and laugh now,.... :-)

thank god.

But I would never go there again.

My DVD Collection

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