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Have I got appendicitis?

julianf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 20:52

My stomach has been quite swollen and hard (well, more swollen than usual!) for 2 days now. If I press it along the belt line on the right hand side it`s pretty painful and a couple of areas just above the beltline on the right are extremely painful...there`s no pain at all on the left although it`s just as `solid`.



RE: Have I got appendicitis?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 20:58

Congratulations, you`re pregnant. :D :p

But seriously, I would go and get an appointment with a doctor. It`s better to be safe than sorry.

That`s the best advice I can give you, plus, it will give you peace of mind if it turns out to be nothing ;)

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 21:59

RE: Have I got appendicitis?

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 21:08

Have I got appendicitis?

Perhaps you have but you would be better taking the advice chewie gave you and make an appointment to see your doctor asap as different problems can have similar symptoms to other illnesses .


RE: Have I got appendicitis?

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 21:46

Wife`s a sister in A&E, says it sounds nothing like the symptoms of appendicitis, more like faecal overload.

This is otherwise known as constipation. :D

Before going any further, she`d like to know the consistency of your stools (if any!) Any sickness, diorrhoea, etc.?



PS She also says that if you`re worried go & see your GP just in case.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 22:49

RE: Have I got appendicitis?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 21:48

Are you saying he`s full of.... ???

But yes..get it checked up...could be anything....bloatedness is a good sign of lots of things...including eating too much!

RE: Have I got appendicitis?

julianf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 22:24

faecal overload? It has been said I talk too much sh*t ;)

Not really constipated and although the names on here are familiar I don`t feel ready to discuss the consistency of my poo :D

I`ll see what the morning brings (literally!) and probably go down the docs - thanks for your advice everyone - I`ll keep you posted...


RE: Have I got appendicitis?

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 22:27

I had the same syptoms in my car years ago, I had only bought it and it had sport bucket seats, this actually caused the effects that you mentioned as it caused blood circulation problems, due to me being overweight at the time.

But I did go urgently to the doctor as I thought it was appedicitis and got it checked out, I was cleared and I got the car seats changed and that solved it.

I would recommend you going to see a doctor anyway to make sure you are OK.

RE: Have I got appendicitis?

julianf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 22:37

Colin - I`m not sure if you`re taking the p*** with that story ;) but now you mention it...

1) I`m a bit overweight, located mostly in the abdominal area (i.e. I`ve got a beergut)
2) I had driven about 250 miles between Friday lunchtime and Sunday teatime (roughly 6 hours in the car altogether) in not exactly the loosest pair of shorts round the waist I`ve ever owned when the pain started, plus another 200miles (3.5hrs) yesterday...

It`s a thought.


RE: Have I got appendicitis?

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 22:45

My stomach has been quite swollen and hard (well, more swollen than usual!) for 2 days now

Two days and the best you can do is post on a DVD site for help, even if we were all Doctors on here you would still have to see a Doctor.

I hope you are a bit more clued up when it comes to your own childrens heath if you have any.

Oscar Wallace

This item was edited on Tuesday, 16th September 2003, 23:47

RE: Have I got appendicitis?

SittingPretty (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 13:06

Believe me, you`d know if you had appendicitis! I`ve been there, done that, got the 12" scar!(Mine burst. :o )
You`d be doubled over in pain.
I don`t think my belly felt solid, but I was 12 at the time so. Hmm.
Just see your doctor, and stop guessing! In case... You don`t want to experience a burst appendix! :(

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