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Have just had a roasting from my manager

simon1977 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 09:13

I cmae in early to get some work done and got a roasting from my manager instead. He said that I need to work harder but I already get into work at 8am and dont leave my desk until 6.30. They have also said that I might not be able to take my holiday at the end of September. Not sure what to do, any advice would be great. >:(

RE: Have just had a roasting from my manager

julianf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 09:15

Tell him to f**k off and open his eyes. It always helps to be able to point to someone else in the office and say you`re working a damn sight harder than they are!

(8am-6.30pm??? I hope the wages are good!)


RE: Have just had a roasting from my manager

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 09:20

I take it you were on a break when you posted that Simon?

All the best,

The 42%er

RE: Have just had a roasting from my manager

simon1977 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 09:39

I wasnt on a break but i needed to vent my anger somehow.We dont have breaks, unless you need to toilet. I dont even get away from desk for lunch.

RE: Have just had a roasting from my manager

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 09:42

Maybe I should have put a ;) in.

What do you do?

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Have just had a roasting from my manager

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 09:56

(1) I hope you are taking an hour`s lunch every day. If not, you are working over 48 hours per week. Now, unless you`ve signed a disclaimer stating that you will voluntarily work more than 48 hours per week, your employer is breaking the employment law set down in the Working Time Regulations.

(2) Start a diary - your boss` actions can be perceived as bullying/harrassment (there`s not actually any employment law protecting employees on this, only in terms of discrimination laws relating to sex, disability, race, and then you`d have to prove that you are being treated differently in comparison with other folks).

(3) Use your company`s grievance procedure, assuming they have one : it`s there to protect you. If you are working your proverbials off, and know for sure you haven`t done anything wrong, then turn the tables on them - does your company have a bullying/harassment policy ? At the end of the day, employment law is there to protect you - just make sure you follow all the internal procedures to the letter.

(4) If you`re not already in one, join a union. If you are already a member, speak to your rep. Ask for a meeting with your manager, accompanied by your rep, and point out you don`t appreciate being spoken to in that way (bullying/harassment is related to how the actions are perceived by the person on the receiving end, and not the intent of the bully).

(5) Can`t help on the holiday, I`m afraid - most employers are cute on this and will normally state that booked holidays can be rescinded if business needs dictate. Mind you, any employer worth their salt would make alternative arrangements to cover your work - they`ve got nearly six weeks to arrange cover, so you may want to point that out to them - at the end of the day, no-one is irreplacable.

(6) Keep smiling, sunshine - it`s a job, and not worth getting het up about - remember we work to live, not live to work ;)
DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

RE: Have just had a roasting from my manager

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 10:14

Think about what you`ve said - long hours, no breaks, lunch at your desk and a git for a manager.

No sane person would ever want to work in a place like this.

RE: Have just had a roasting from my manager

Paull (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 10:26

"I came in early to get some work done and got a roasting from my manager instead"

What level of `Crypy Raider` were you on at the time. ;)

RE: Have just had a roasting from my manager

Lore (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 10:57

Your job sounds like one of those dreadful call centres that have been featured on a number of tv documentaries. If the work is really so intensive that you can literally only walk away from your desk to use the loo then you seriously need to look for another job. This kind of unrelenting pressure is bad for your health and doesn`t, in fact, result in better work.

There is some good advice in this thread but at the end of the day if the company is being unreasonable you can expect them to react badly to you asserting your rights. Be prepared for the worst and don`t forget you can claim for constructive dismissal at a tribunal if they make your life so difficult that you have to leave.

Good luck!

RE: Have just had a roasting from my manager

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 11:02

Be prepared for the worst and don`t forget you can claim for constructive dismissal at a tribunal if they make your life so difficult that you have to leave.

But only if you have a year`s service, and have followed the company`s grievance procedure to the letter :(

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

This item was edited on Wednesday, 20th August 2003, 12:01

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