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Legal Advice

Ruud (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th May 2003, 12:49

Dooes anyone know if I have grounds for compensation for the following accident: A vehicle pulled out of a side road sharply causing the vehicle in front of me to break sharply, I was coming over the brow of a hill and saw the car in front breaking, resulting in breaking but skidding in to it due to the wet surface. The vehicle which pulled out of the side road, was not damaged, and drove off soon after? Any help would be gratefully received.

RE: Legal Advice

shaggy67 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th May 2003, 13:15

this happened to me in my wagon & the insurance said it was my fault due to me being too close to the car in front

RE: Legal Advice

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th May 2003, 13:18

Sorry Ruud

If you crash into a car in front of you then you are at fault even though the circumstances that caused you to crash were not of you`re doing.

The fact that you skidded in the wet means more than likely you were travelling too fast and too close to the car in front in other words driving without due care and attention.

Did the driver in the car you crashed into get the registration number of the car that pulled out as the driver should have given his details before leavingthe scene of the accident.

RE: Legal Advice

Ruud (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th May 2003, 13:22

Unfortunately, do realise that it is my fault, for going into the back of the vehicle, just wondered if there was any case against the driver who pulled out of the side road. He did not leave his details, the police said he didn`t have to, because his car was not damaged, but a witness did get his licence plate.

RE: Legal Advice

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th May 2003, 14:00

All you can do is to pass this onto your insurer who may contact the driver to get his/her side of the event.

It is unlikely you can claim compensation off the driver for any injury etc.

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