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Its My Birthday and I`m going out to get drunk!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th April 2003, 18:08

Yep i am the princely sum of 24 today.

Im going out with the Missus (shut up Mr Bruce!) for a nice meal and then hooking up with some friends after to get absolutely bladdered!

I received the best present ever - an orgasmatron. Unbelievable product

Also some Mission M73i on the way (if QED get their bloody act together)

Anyway - after a hard weeks work, great weather, i`m gonna enjoy a nice cold beer or three with my nearest and dearest.

Au revoir!


RE: Its My Birthday and I`m going out to get drunk!

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th April 2003, 18:19

Happy Birthday, have a good one!

RE: Its My Birthday and I`m going out to get drunk!

duanelightley (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 17th April 2003, 18:42

happy birthday mate its mine on saturday hic

RE: Its My Birthday and I`m going out to get drunk!

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th April 2003, 19:09

I hit 34 last Friday...waist line steadily catching up with my years too.
All the best...hope you have a fantastic night. (Still waiting to celebrate(?) mine, Mrs been on nights ever since!))
Thats a lot of bumps to go through after the obligatory optic run, beers, kebab, curry, (delete as applicable).

RE: Its My Birthday and I`m going out to get drunk!

Gazab (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 17th April 2003, 20:43

Happy Birthday, mines friday 38 and happy as a pig in muck. Started celebrating already Hic.

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