Page 1 of Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

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Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

washu (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 12:42

I am starting this thread off because you people NEED ME!! You all like crap films and will enjoy a film if its rammed down your throat enough by the media/film critics.
I think I should be given my own version of Film 2003 as that Jonathan Ross is a anime GIMP! He `aint funny nor can he be serious.
I offer a challenge to you all: name me a year in the past 5 or so years where 5 TRULY GREAT film have been released. Only 5 out of the THOUSANDS churned out, it can`r be that hard...or can it. If you manage it (and I agree) kudos to you.

RE: Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 14:01

1999. Gag factor 1 through to 5.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 15:27


1- Frailty

2- Mullholland Drive

3- The Man Who Wasn`t There

4- Training Day

5- Oceans Eleven

These were in the cinema last year and were quite good in my opinion. If only studios didn`t make stupid stuff like LOTR and Harry Potter, they would have received more attention. Unfortunetly mainstream crap seems to be people preferred choice no matter how bad they are.

RE: Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 15:32

9/10? Your being generous. I can`t name even one :/

RE: Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 17:29


Minority Report (first time i seen it this year (suprisingly good)

Goldmember (not as good as the secong but still funny)

Blade II (good fun)

Koroshiya 1 (okay so it was made in 2001 but it was brillent)

Shaolin Soccer (same as above)

Ring (I know I know made in 1999, I`ve only just seen it so I`m a bit slow but catching up)

Well to be honest very poor from the US, I am so loving the Hong Kong and Japanese movies I just can`t get enough of them. They are so different and more challenging to the senses unlike the crap Hollywood churn out.


thats a twuly gweat fwilm (wot u think of my woss imwesion? lol)


RE: Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

Issac Hunt (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 18:31

I`m trying to think of five TRULY GREAT films from ANY year....

RE: Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 18:38

You have to look at films in there category, like reviewers do. If you compare everything with "YOUR GREATEST FILM OF ALL TIME" then you aren`t going to see many great films.

I think that you, washu, are not a film fan in the least, or are going through a state of depression.... or you just want to start an argument. I have enjoyed many films this year such as Star Wars: AOTC, LOTR, Donnie Darko, Spider-Man, The Royal Tenenbaums, One Hour Photo, Whasanga, Dark Water.... The list goes on.

RE: Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 18:44

I think that this problem is caused by very few Hollywood producers actually being willing to take risks. Any studio film that is mildly challenging is rapidly neutered if a moronic test audience decides that it doesn`t conform to their simpleton notion of what constitutes a REAL film. Therefore, we end up with endless "feelgood" Hugh Grant Romantic Comedies and Vin Diesel in The Fast and the F***ing S*** III. Basically, if hoards of undiscerning scum will spend money on it, it`ll get made!

RE: Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd February 2003, 21:31

I`d say that part of the problem is that a lot of them are not so much crap but just stunningly average!

It`s got to the stage now where there`s a "blueprint" plot for just about every genre of film, and a LOT of films quite simply follow these blueprints to the letter! (if it`s worked before it can work again! and in financial terms it usually does).

Originality is a very rare thing in mainstream movies today and as Dwight has already pointed out very few people will take any kind of risks for fear of not breaking even.

There also seems to be a real fear of releasing films with R or 18 ratings which means that most modern horror films end up being lightweight diluted down sh*te with no real power.

Very rarely nowadays do we see a film that truly dazzles us as an audience, although those films do still get made occasionally, it`s unfortunate that you have to sit through so much formulaic uninspired soulless garbage to find them.

This item was edited on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 00:03

RE: Come on, admit it. 9/10 films nowadays are crap!

LOG (Competent) posted this on Monday, 3rd February 2003, 00:13

Truly great, finding hard enough!


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