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Best unintentionally funny scenes

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 13:20

Which scenes have made you laugh out loud when th efilm makers intended you to be shocked, horrified, upset, etc.?

I would like to nominate the bit in `My Girl` where McCauley Culkin is
bee-ed to death. I fell about, much to the disgust of my girlfriend who was sobbing along with most of the rest of the audience.

RE: Best unintentionally funny scenes

all_the_aces (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 14:01

I seem to remember some hilarious scenes from Air Force One where the President is dangling out of planes and the like. Best comedy i saw all year!

RE: Best unintentionally funny scenes

johnmclane (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 14:22

Leonardo Dicaprio in Titanic when he freezes to death and starts to sink into the ocean. My exgirlfriends daughter wouldnt talk to me for days!

RE: Best unintentionally funny scenes

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 14:40

Easy choice for me - Scream 2-quality viewing edge of the seat stuff and then we have it - the 2nd killer is revealed as BILLYS MOM?! - what the f....

RE: Best unintentionally funny scenes

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 14:41

forgot to add, the cinema I saw this at - EVERYONE laughed, some hurled abuse!

RE: Best unintentionally funny scenes

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 15:02

...the "love" scenes in Episode 2: Attack of the Infantile Dialogue... the entire cinema was groaning and laughing anytime Whineakin and Bore-me (sorry that`s pretty bad) were alone on screen... dreadful stuff.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 15:04

RE: Best unintentionally funny scenes

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 15:37

Vertical Limit.... nearly all of it...

when their dad falls to his death at the start.. lol..

when .. for no aparant reason.. someone running .. gets their foot caught between two rocks and falls over in the most unconvincing fall ever to grace the screens...


RE: Best unintentionally funny scenes

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 16:23

The 60`s Batman film, where the rubber shark attacks!! Hilarious!

Also, The 1st time I saw Yoda in "Clones" fly around like Sonic the Hedgehog!!

RE: Best unintentionally funny scenes

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 16:50

The Patriot - when Mel is melting his kid`s toy soldiers to make bullets to kill the Redcoats. Likewise, when the same redcoats burn the church down. It was so ridiculous I was peeing myself laughing. Then there`s the bit when they all whip off to Hawaii for a quick mid-revolution jaunt. WTF?!

Windbreakers, sorry, Windtalkers, when Nicolas Cage empties a 7 round .45 clip into a bunch of Japanese soldiers at about 50 yards and drops 5 or 6 of them...

RE: Best unintentionally funny scenes

elephant (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 18:54

I would like to put a vote in for the whole of `The Last Castle` (especially the last scene clutching the flag).The film was so terribly awfully appalling ,but we still really enjoyed it (laughing through 90% of it).
It made the Naked Gun series look like Shakespeare/

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