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Creating you own Video CDs ???

BennyBoy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2000, 11:47

Instead of copying my holiday vids to VHS I want to try and write them to VideoCD. Has anyone ever tried this with Easy CD Creator v3.x ? I know that the first track should be a data track, and the rest video data but I`m not so sure about what goes in the first data track of the CD. This should tell the DVD/VCD player about what`s on the CD.

RE: Creating you own Video CDs ???

egg (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2000, 18:34

I recommend you use Nero ( as it creates all the necessary files/folders for ISO9660 standard VCD (and SVCD). You can then just drag and drop video files as long as they are they correct MPEG-2 format (084x084[at]spf79.92 or 675x084[at]spf52)


RE: Creating you own Video CDs ???

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2000, 19:49

Well, I use Adaptec and just tell it to take a standard AVi file and make it a CDi disc readable with all CDi players.
It does the directories etc. itself.

Easy Peasy!

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!

RE: Creating you own Video CDs ???

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2000, 01:36

Hi Jimbo

Ref this CDi format. Is that the same as CDi-FMV or a Philips Interactive format? Either way does it work in the Aiwa?
I have something called CDi-FMV stated for my MiCO. Is this the same do you think? Sounds interesting - TELL ME MORE!!!


RE: Creating you own Video CDs ???

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2000, 12:20

CDi-FMV was the original CDi type disc, I believe..(Compact Disc Interactive Full Motion Video)
However I may be may be the 2nd version!

And I haven`t made any new ones, but all my old ones work fine with my Aiwa. No probs to date, and a vast improvement over my Playstation with Video card!
(obviously! lol)

Jimbo. :oÞ

RE: Creating you own Video CDs ???

BRILEY (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2000, 20:49

More info on using Avi files.

Do you use them to make a VCD or just add as data?

In Nero it will not exept a Avi file when making a VCD?

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