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Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 00:19

An interesting statistic for all you motorists out there.

It is estimated that the average motorist who fills up the tank one a week with £40/£50 worth of fuel will in a year lose upto £300 by not shaking the excess fuel out the nozzle!

RE: Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 07:54

No, that can`t be right - 300 / 52 = £5.76, so they`re losing over a fiver each time they fill up?

RE: Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

jubbly (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 09:53

Maybe he means in their working life - he doesn`t say lose £300 per yr.
How about £300/40 yrs = 14p a go - now that`s more like it.

RE: Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

Nikon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 10:00

You must have some big nozzles round your way;-)

The problem is you started with an empty nozzle because the person before you shook it, so you need to put £5.77 worth in before any fuel comes out into your car. So this means if you follow a shaker onto the pump put £5 worth or petrol in, don`t shake, it will not last very long.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 10:02

RE: Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 11:39

Erm....... Am I missing something here? £5.77 before any fuel comes out into your car, Thats just silly! Maybe Im reading this comment wrong?

UPTO £300 a year DEPENDING how many times a week or month you fill up, Rep`s on the road doing 1500 miles a week could qualify for the £300 loss, It is estimated that if you dont shake your nozzle you could be lossing a mug full "Plus" of fuel every time you do fill up.

Now where`s that link...........

RE: Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 12:03

Your original post was referring to the "average motorist" and the average motorist isn`t a rep doing 1500 miles a week!

RichardH is right, you said the average driver fills up "once a week" with £40-50 of petrol. If that is the case then they`re going to be losing up to £5.77 every time they fill up [£300/52]! That`s over a gallon of petrol left in the nozzle! I wouldn`t mind seeing this link.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 12:04

RE: Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

...................................... (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 19:22

I always find it funny when people shake the hose to try and get the last drop out.

If you notice, the trigger is just above the nozzle so no matter how hard you shake it nothing comes out. (Now that sounds familiar)

RE: Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

Nikon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 21:16

It was ment to be silly ;-). It follows that if you shook the hose and emptied it the next person to the pump would have to fill it so the nett gain would be zero if you shook it as well (unless someone forgot to shake then you could win or loose)
Your origional comment:

*****It is estimated that the average motorist who fills up the tank one a week with £40/£50 worth of fuel will in a year lose upto £300 by not shaking the excess fuel out the nozzle!*****

You state that it is an average motorist who fills up once a week so it is £300 devided by 52 which equates to £5.77 per shake.


RE: Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 23:47

UP TO £300 --- UP TO £300 --- UPTO £300!!!!!

You lot probably loss £30 a year a REP doing 1500 a week MIGHT loss UPTO £300 a year. Its not exact science just an observation that all. It was mentioned on Steve Wright`s show early last week, there was a discussion about it on the website Have alook.

Teacher says your all very good with your math, 10/10

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 23:53

RE: Drivers, Give it a GOOD shake! !

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th June 2002, 00:01

A REP on average then wouldn`t be putting £40-50 a week of petrol into the car if they were doing 1500 miles a WEEK! More like £150.

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