Page 1 of Couple of questions about PS2

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Couple of questions about PS2

Gillsfan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 25th April 2002, 11:12

I have just bought the region x kit and i would like to know if this same disk can be used to make my sony DAVS300 multi region?

1 more thing, i have posted previously about pushing the sound through a DTS Decoder but im still vexed.

The DAVS300 doesnt have an optical input, and the PS2 doesnt have a coax output?

how can i connect the 2 to get DTS.

RE: Couple of questions about PS2

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th April 2002, 13:03

"I have just bought the region x kit and i would like to know if this same disk can be used to make my sony DAVS300 multi region?"

No way I`m afraid - it only works on the PS2. The Sony standalone players are completely different kettles of kippers.


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